
Tair is a river in Kazakhstan, flowing through the territory of the Almaty region. Literally, “tair” means “black” in the Kazakh language. One of the meanings of the word "beige" is (French) beige color. The term is Anglo-French in nature and has its roots in the Franco-Belgian language. There is no exact information about the origin of the word. There is no consensus on the origin of the word. At first it was associated with dark skin, and then came to mean any light warm color. It is most often used in interior design, but it is also common as a name for clothing. Translated from French it means “beige” and “beige-brown”. “Gray” also has a romantic meaning. The French pronunciation of this noun is slightly different from the original. The word Beige, pronounced in French, [beige], is a borrowing and has become common in Russian and international languages ​​to denote various shades. The color name Beige comes from the medieval French word bi, meaning "flower dust" or "pollen", and "color", which led to the word "beige" coming to mean "flower tint" and then "light" -yellow". In Old English the origin of the word was that it was used for the color "beic", but gradually and slowly it changed to the modern "brown".