Tarnopolsky Rhinoplasty

Tarnovsky Rhinoplasty (Tarnovsky Rhinoplasty) is a method of nose correction that was developed and put into practice by Russian plastic surgeon Alexander Tarnovsky in the early 2000s. This method allows you to improve the shape and proportions of the nose, as well as correct its shortcomings, such as a hump, asymmetry, a wide or narrow nose.

The Tarnowsky Rhinoplasty process involves several stages. At the first stage, the surgeon conducts an examination and consultation with the patient to determine what changes need to be made to the shape of the nose. The surgeon then removes excess skin and cartilage that may be preventing the nose from forming properly. The surgeon then creates a new nose shape using special tools and materials.

One of the advantages of Tarnowsky Rhinoplasty is that it does not require a long recovery period. The patient can return to his normal life within a few days after the operation. In addition, this method produces more natural-looking results than other rhinoplasty methods.

However, like any other method of plastic surgery, Tarnovsky Rhinoplasty has its drawbacks. Some patients may experience discomfort and pain for several days after surgery, and may also experience some complications such as infection or bleeding.

In general, Tarnovsky Rhinoplasty is an effective method for correcting the shape of the nose and improving its proportions. If you want to change the shape of your nose, then this method may be suitable for you. However, before deciding to undergo surgery, it is necessary to carefully study all the possible risks and benefits of this method.

Talonplasty, also taranoplasty surgery, less commonly - tarynology, as well as tarnoplasty - reconstruction or restoration of the anatomical structures of the lower extremities and the entire foot and their functions by replacing defects with local ones or using allografts. In other words, it is a surgical intervention aimed at surgically correcting deformities or replacing a part of the body that has been lost for one reason or another.

The talus bone, if not cared for for a long time, becomes deformed. This concerns deformation