
Thecaluteotsit is a cell that is responsible for the production of thecasteroids, important hormones that control the reproductive system in mammals. Tecasterone hormones affect progesterone levels, which helps maintain pregnancy. During pregnancy, more than 95% of female hormones are produced by the placenta and less than 5% by the ovaries. If the ovaries begin to produce more hormones than is necessary for the normal development of the fetus, then doctors talk about a hormonal imbalance in the woman’s body and diagnose corpus luteum deficiency.

The main causes of pathology are inflammation of the ovarian tissue (oophoritis), cell degeneration (dysplasia) and tumor. Even a gynecologist can notice symptoms during an examination. Delayed menstruation and bleeding are alarming signs, since if the luteonic cycle is insufficient, the production of pregnancy hormones is disrupted. In addition, it is possible to increase the level of cortisol and androgens, disrupting the cyclicity of menstruation. Pathology changes the amount of prolactin and ecdysterone. Since other hormone-producing areas fall under imbalance.

If a woman has discovered several characteristic signs of pathology, it is worth taking a pregnancy test from different manufacturers. This will allow you to avoid speculation about improper laboratory work: in some cases, the analysis will show a positive result, and in the blood, high levels of progesterone and estradiol will initially be unaccounted for. The lack of research results will force a woman to see a doctor, regardless of the delay in menstruation. Diagnosis of pathologies through protein synthesis will help determine the presence of cysts, adenomyosis and polyps.