Telediastolic Pressure

Telediastolic pressure (telediastole, tele-diastolic index) is an indicator of blood pressure that is determined at the moment of maximum expansion of the heart (diastole).

During telediastole, the heart is at rest and does not contract, so blood pressure at this moment reflects the state of the vessels and peripheral vascular system.

Measuring telediastolic pressure allows you to assess the condition of blood vessels and identify possible problems in the cardiovascular system, such as atherosclerosis, hypertension, coronary heart disease and others.

Typically, telediastole is measured together with systole (heartbeat) and diastole (relaxation of the heart), which allows you to get a more complete picture of the state of the cardiovascular system and take the necessary measures to improve it.

In conclusion, telediastolic pressure is an important indicator of the health of the cardiovascular system, which allows you to identify problems at an early stage and prevent the development of serious diseases. Regular measurement of telediastole can help maintain health and prolong life.

Telediastolic pressure is one of the indicators of the functioning of the heart and arterial system in a patient - a healthy person or a patient with reduced myocardial contractility. It is formed as a result of a change in the volume of blood filling the ventricles of the heart before contraction due to a sharp decrease in blood pressure.

The normal telediastolic pressure for a healthy person is 45 mmHg. Art. – if the value of this indicator is lower, it means that the person has a defect or other cardiovascular disease

The state of telediastoric pressure is influenced not only by primary cardiac pathologies and decreased contractility of the ventricular myocardium, but also by other factors: aortic valve insufficiency, myocardial hypertrophy, inadequate insular blood flow, thymic pathologies, imbalance in the functioning of the nervous, endocrine and immune systems. If telediastole is normal, then the blood pressure level fluctuates between 90-60 mm. Hg With a low telediastole, the pressure can drop to 40-30 millimeters of mercury, with an increased reading - up to 70-80. Increased TDD is the main symptom accompanying diseases such as cardiac decompensation, thyroid dysfunction and adrenal gland pathology. Reduced telediastolol pressure noted from the jugular veins and low cardiac pressure are also accompanying symptoms of these pathologies.