
Tempaldol is a combined analgesic and antipyretic drug. The active components of the drug are Metamizole sodium and Triacetoneman-4-sulfonic acid.

Typical indications for taking the drug include moderate and mild pain of various etiologies, increased temperature in diseases of an infectious and inflammatory nature, headaches, stomach, dental and neuralgic pain and menstrual cramps.

The drug is contraindicated in cases of known hypersensitivity to components, acute ulcerative process in the stomach and intestines, severe liver and kidney dysfunction, during pregnancy in the first and third trimesters, breastfeeding, children under 14 years of age. Due to the possible negative effect on the hematopoietic system, it is not advisable to take it in patients with mild to moderate leukopenia, neutropenia, agranulocemia, or uncontrolled cardiac arrhythmia. Side effects can manifest themselves in the form of allergic reactions of various types, inflammatory disorders of the digestive system, changes in the nervous system, Stevens-Johnson and Lyell syndrome. When choosing a dosage, it is necessary to proceed from the patient’s condition, level of pain and the presence of possible concomitant diseases. The initial dose can be taken either sublingually (under the tongue) or with a glass of water. In case of overdose, symptomatic therapy should be carried out, including intravenous prednisolone.