Pi-Meson Therapy

Pi-meson (π-meson) is an elementary massive partial, unstable mesotron with half-integer spin, participating in the strong interaction.

Pi-Menon Therapy | (PI-Meon Therapy) is a relatively new form of cancer therapy that is based on the use of pi-meson, or π-meson. This type of therapy uses high doses of ionizing radiation and pseudovital interactions to kill cancer cells. To understand how Pi-Menon therapy works, we must first consider what cancer is and how it develops.

Cancer is a group of diseases that develop from normal cells in the body and grow rapidly, spreading beyond their normal boundaries. Cancer can develop in different organs, including bones, kidneys, liver, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, etc. There are many types of cancer, each with its own unique characteristics and causes. For example, some cancers arise due to mutations in genes that regulate cell growth, while other types develop due to changes in DNA