Theater Props

Theater Props: How to Turn Your Child into a Real Actor

Children love to play and imagine. They can turn an ordinary box into a fortress or a spaceship, and a simple rag into a real superhero costume. But what if you gave them real home theater props? The theater store is a place where you can find everything you need to create a real fairy tale.

A tall cardboard hat, a walking stick and cheap white gloves can all turn your little one into a sparkling dandy. A clown nose, huge shoes, a plastic bow tie or a wig will bring a lot of joy and fun to children. Your child's imagination will have room to run wild if you put in front of him a large box with a variety of gizmos, clothes and sundries. There may be such wonderful things for home theater as a black cape, a wig, a cane, a top hat, glasses with a funny nose attached.

Children also love all sorts of clown things. See if you can get some big plastic shoes, rubber noses, and all sorts of funny hats. Clown makeup will be the perfect complement to all these treasures. Together with friends and family, children can create their own theatrical productions using all these wonderful props.

If you have the opportunity, look into stores that may sell costumes suitable for home theater, or at specialty theater supply stores. There you can find real professional costumes, masks, props and everything you need to create a real theatrical production.

Overall, theater props are a great way to stimulate imagination and creativity in children. This can be great fun for the whole family and will help your child develop communication and expressiveness skills. Don't forget that children love to play and imagine, and home theater can be a great way to develop these skills.