Thinking Catathymic

Catathymic thinking is a type of thinking that is based on the use of images and associations to solve problems and achieve goals. It differs from traditional logical thinking in that it uses more creative and intuitive approaches to problem solving.

Catathymic thinking is a term used in psychology and psychotherapy to describe the process of thinking based on images and associations. This type of thinking is used to help people better understand their emotions, feelings and problems.

In catathymic thinking, a person uses images and associations to better understand their thoughts and emotions. For example, if a person experiences anger, he can imagine an image of this feeling and associate it with some image or situation. This helps him better understand why he feels angry and what can be done to reduce its intensity.

Catalytic thinking can also be used to improve your concentration and memory. For example, a person may use images and associations to remember information or complete a task.

However, catathymic thinking is not a universal solution to all problems. It can only be effective in cases where a person has a sufficient level of development and ability to use this type of thinking. If a person does not have sufficient experience or knowledge in this area, then the use of catathic thinking can lead to negative consequences.