Tomography Panoramic

Panoramic tomography is also called pantomography.

Pantomography is a method of obtaining panoramic X-ray images of the maxillofacial area. Pantomography uses a special X-ray machine that allows you to obtain a single image of all the bones and teeth of the upper and lower jaw.

Panoramic tomography is used to diagnose diseases of the teeth, jaws, temporomandibular joints, as well as to plan implantation and orthodontic treatment.

Advantages of panoramic tomography:

  1. the ability to obtain an overview of all teeth and jaws in one scan;
  2. low radiation exposure compared to computed tomography;
  3. simplicity and speed of the procedure.

Limitations of the method:

  1. the image is unclear compared to intraoral radiography;
  2. distortion of the size and shape of anatomical structures due to the divergence of X-rays.

Thus, panoramic tomography is an informative screening method for examining the dental system, complementing intraoral radiography.