Caries is damage to teeth caused by an acid reaction in the mouth. The acid is formed when bacteria found on teeth interact with sugars and starches often found in food. If left untreated, tooth decay can lead to gum disease, infections, and even tooth loss.
You can avoid tooth decay by brushing your teeth regularly and using dental floss to remove food debris between your teeth. It is also important to avoid too much sweet and sour foods, as well as frequent snacking and high-sugar drinks.
In addition, the foods we eat play an important role in preventing tooth decay. Certain foods can protect teeth from tooth decay and improve their color, as we mentioned earlier.
Below we look at 9 foods that have a beneficial effect on the health and color of teeth.
- Yogurt
Plain yogurt, without additives or dyes, fights harmful bacteria, which are the main cause of bad odor and gum problems. Eating at least 0.5 liters of yogurt every day can improve your oral health. For children, you can add honey to sweeten the drink.
- Fish
Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish prevent gum inflammation and improve the color of tooth enamel. Fish is also rich in calcium and phosphorus, which helps strengthen teeth.
- Fruits and vegetables
Apples, oranges, grapefruits, celery and carrots prevent the formation of harmful bacteria in the mouth. Also, the process of eating crunchy foods such as apples and carrots improves blood circulation in the gums.
- Cheese
The calcium and vitamin D found in cheese are extremely beneficial for dental health. Regular consumption of cheese not only strengthens teeth, but also improves their color.
- Strawberry
Everyone's favorite berry can whiten teeth better than any professional product. Strawberries contain malic acid, which effectively cleans teeth of plaque. It is worth remembering that frequent bleaching with strawberries can destroy the enamel completely.
- Nuts
Nuts are rich in calcium and phosphorus, which helps strengthen teeth. They also contain magnesium, which helps keep teeth strong and healthy.
- Broccoli
Broccoli is rich in calcium and vitamin C, which help strengthen teeth and protect them from tooth decay. They also contain phosphorus, which is essential for healthy teeth and bones.
- Tea
Tea contains polyphenols, which help fight bacteria in the mouth and prevent plaque from forming on teeth. Green tea is also rich in catechins, which help strengthen teeth.
- Water
Drinking enough water not only improves your overall health, but also helps reduce the amount of bacteria in your mouth and protects your teeth from tooth decay.
Adding these foods to your diet will help strengthen your teeth, improve their color, and protect them from tooth decay and bad odor. However, it is also important to remember to brush your teeth regularly and avoid excessive consumption of sweets and sours. Remember that oral health is an important component of overall body health.