Tularemia Vaccine Live Dry

Tularemia Vaccine Live Dry: effective protection against tularemia

Tularemia Live Dry Vaccine (TDVD) is one of the most effective ways to prevent tularemia, a disease caused by the bacterium Francisella tularensis. This vaccine was developed at the Omsk Antibacterial Drug Production Enterprise in Russia and is produced by Microgen NPO and the Omsk Antibacterial Drug Production Enterprise.

Tularemia is a rare but serious infectious disease that can affect the skin, lungs, and other organs. The bacterium F. tularensis, which causes tularemia, is spread through insect bites, contact with infected animals or their tissues, and contaminated water and soil. Most cases of tularemia are reported in North America and Europe, but the disease can occur in any part of the world.

VTJV is a live, attenuated vaccine containing live F. tularensis bacteria. It is produced in the form of a dry powder, which before use is dissolved in saline and introduced into the body through the skin. The vaccine can be used to prevent tularemia in people who work with infected animals, as well as in military personnel and other people who may be at risk of infection with the F. tularensis bacterium.

The effectiveness of HTHS has been proven in a number of studies and practical experience. It has a high level of protection and can prevent the development of tularemia for several years. In addition, HTJV has a longer duration of action than other tularemia vaccines and can be stored at room temperature without loss of effectiveness.

However, like any other vaccine, VTJV may cause side effects such as mild discomfort, swelling and redness at the injection site, and sometimes fever. Therefore, before using the vaccine, you should consult your doctor.

In general, Tularemia Live Dry Vaccine is an effective and safe means of preventing tularemia. Its use can significantly reduce the risk of disease and protect people who work in environments at increased risk of infection with the F. tularensis bacterium.