
Ultra is a prefix used to denote something that is beyond the norm, standard, or limit. It can be used in various contexts, such as medicine, science, business, etc.

In medicine, ultra- can be used to refer to diagnostic methods that allow the detection of diseases in the early stages. For example, ultrasonography (ultrasound) allows you to see internal organs and tissues with high accuracy.

In science, ultra can also be used to refer to new research methods that produce more accurate results. For example, the use of cutting-edge instruments and technologies in astronomy makes it possible to study distant galaxies and stars.

In business, ultra can be used to refer to new products and services that differentiate themselves from competitors. For example, Google has created a cutting-edge search engine that allows you to find information faster and more accurately than other analogues.

Thus, ultra is an important accessory that allows the creation of new technologies, products and research methods that exceed existing standards.