
What is urning?

**Urning** is walking with the knees raised high, as well as a type of women's dance. It was born in Germany and gained popularity in the United States after a video made by German war photographer Franz Hoffmann appeared. The photo was published in Vogue on May 20, 1937. Just a few months after its release, the most famous fashion studio that produced the famous black and white “war” images was opened - the New York modeling studio of Esther Williams.

The ladies liked the dance. Well then, let's dance!

During the **urning** dance, the upper muscles of the buttocks and lower back are used. This means that not only the lower back area is stretched, but also the abs. For both dancers and beginners, it is important to remember that in urning you cannot bend your knees completely while performing the movements. But at the same time, it is important that in some movements the knees still bend a little - this makes the dance movements more expressive. Must remember! When performing urning, you must walk on your toes. This exercise can be performed either sitting or standing. It is recommended for people suffering from osteochondrosis. You can sit with your legs apart, balancing on one buttock.