
Urodynamics is a research method that allows you to assess the functional state of the bladder and urethra. This method is carried out using a special device that records changes in pressure in the bladder and on the urethral sphincter.

The main objective of a urodynamic study is to identify the causes of urinary incontinence, which can occur in people of different ages and gender. Urinary incontinence is an unpleasant condition that can lead to social isolation, psychological problems and a deterioration in the patient's quality of life.

A urodynamic study is carried out in a specially equipped room, under the supervision of qualified medical personnel. During the study, a thin catheter is inserted into the patient's bladder, through which liquid is supplied under pressure. In this case, pressure indicators in the bladder and on the urethral sphincter are simultaneously recorded.

The data obtained as a result of a urodynamic study allows us to determine the following parameters:

  1. Bladder capacity;
  2. Bladder filling rate;
  3. The pressure required to hold urine in the bladder;
  4. The pressure required to remove urine from the bladder;
  5. Urethral response to bladder filling.

Based on the results of a urodynamic study, the doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and determine a treatment plan. In some cases, surgery may be required to correct urinary problems.

Urodynamics is a safe and effective research method that is widely used in modern urology and gynecology. Thanks to this method, doctors can quickly and accurately identify the causes of urinary incontinence and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Urodynamics is a diagnostic method that allows you to study the functional state of the human genitourinary system. The main objective of a urodynamic study is to determine the causes of urinary incontinence and other urinary disorders.

The urodynamic study is based on recording changes in pressure in the bladder and urethral sphincter using a special device. This device allows you to simultaneously measure pressure in the bladder and on the urethral sphincter when filling the bladder with water or introducing special solutions into it.

A urodynamic study is carried out in a special room equipped with everything necessary for this procedure. The patient is asked to fill out a special questionnaire, which allows you to obtain information about the nature of urinary disorders and other symptoms that may occur with this disease.

During the procedure, the patient lies on a special chair on which sensors are installed that record changes in pressure in the bladder and on the urethral sphincter. The pressure in the bladder increases as it fills with water, and the patient must report his sensations.

Based on the results of a urodynamic study, the following indicators can be determined:

  1. maximum bladder capacity;
  2. the volume of urine that causes the need to urinate;
  3. strength and duration of bladder contractions;
  4. the strength and duration of contractions of the urethral sphincter;
  5. pressure in the bladder and on the urethral sphincter during urination.

Based on the results of a urodynamic study, it is possible to determine the causes of urinary disorders and choose the most effective treatment method. Depending on the identified urinary disorders, treatment may include drug therapy, physical therapy, surgery, or complex therapy.

Thus, urodynamics is an important diagnostic method that allows you to determine the causes of urination disorders and choose the most effective treatment method. Regular urodynamic testing allows you to monitor the effectiveness of treatment and prevent possible complications.

Urodynamic testing (Urodynamics) is a diagnostic procedure that allows you to record changes in pressure in the bladder through catheterization. A catheter is inserted into the bladder and into the urethra through the urethra and pressure is recorded.

During a urodynamic examination, the patient lies on his back on a special bed, and a napkin or bag is placed on his stomach to prevent leaks. You cannot get out of bed during the entire examination. The doctor also uses fluid to record pressure in the urethra. The liquid medium is injected into the urethra through a special tube. If during the examination it is possible to register pressure, then the examination is considered complete. The results of the study are discussed at a consultation of doctors to draw up an individual treatment plan.

One of the most important factors in urodynamic diagnosis is determining the degree of urinary incontinence, that is, the ability to control the amount of urethral fluid. In the diagnosis of urinary incontinence, urodynamics