
Uve- is an anatomical region that is located at the back of the eye and contains the choroid, or uveo- (from the Latin uvea - choroid). This area is of great importance for vision and eye health, so it is important to know more about it.

The uveo is one of the most important areas of the eye, as it contains blood vessels that provide nutrition to the eye tissues and protection from damage. This area also contains photosensitive cells that are responsible for sensing light and forming images.

One of the functions of the uveo is to regulate intraocular pressure, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the eye. This area also produces tear fluid, which moisturizes the cornea and protects the eyes from infections and damage.

However, if the uveo is damaged, it can lead to various eye diseases such as glaucoma, cataracts, retinal dystrophy and others. Therefore, it is important to monitor your eye health and consult a doctor if any symptoms appear.

In order to maintain eye health and improve their function, it is recommended to undergo regular ophthalmological examinations and follow your doctor's recommendations. This will help identify possible problems at an early stage and prevent the development of serious diseases.

In the animal world, communication is one of the important aspects of life as it allows them to exchange information and convey their emotions. Animals can use various signals such as facial expressions, posture, vocalizations and others to express their feelings. Among them, the dog greeting occupies a special place.

Since ancient times, dogs were the first animals that taught people to give the joy of communication to each other. In our article we will look at several options for greeting dogs in different countries of the world.

In Russia, dogs smile especially a lot; the more often you meet them, the more chances you have to see a genuine smile on these cute creatures. But despite this, many are surprised when they see one of the largest dog breeds - the Irish Wolfhound, which seems silent, but greets every real person it meets in different ways. For example, dogs from Ireland may sit on their hind legs to indicate that they are in a good mood. Moments of greeting can also be funny: when does a joyful dog with its tongue stick out jump or make a face? Dogs also make greeting sounds: barking, howling, whining, yapping, growling and even squeaking! Particularly notable in this regard is the Afghan Hound, which catches those it meets with its gaze and fixes the gaze for 5-7 seconds, and in return receives a whining greeting as soon as it blinks. Variations of barking techniques, such as singing “you’re a bee, I’m a beekeeper”, “checked the hard drive, it’s clean”, seem to have been invented in Vladivostok; this small town has its own celebrity among dog breeders - the Buryat dog Gena. She is a master at greeting a passerby; when she catches his eye, she begins to bark and does not stop until the person reaches his apartment, where the dog is hand-fed.

Irish Wolfhounds are very friendly, self-confident and, despite

Importance of eyes for health

Eyes are one of the most important sense organs in humans, allowing us to receive a large amount of information about the world around us and interact with it. However, like any other organ, the eyes can be susceptible to various diseases and health problems. In this article we will look at the main eye health problems and methods of treating them.

Cataract Cataract is a clouding of the lens of the eye, which leads to a decrease in its transparency. This problem occurs due to aging and can also be caused by certain diseases. Signs of cataracts include decreased visual acuity, blurry outlines, and a bluish tint to the eye. Cataract treatment can be done with laser or surgery. Surgical treatment involves replacing the lens with an intraocular lens (IOL), which can improve vision and stabilize the eye.

Glaucoma Glaucoma is a disease of the cornea in which the circulation of intraocular fluid is impaired. This can lead to increased pressure inside the eye and damage to the optic nerve. With glaucoma, a person may experience headaches, pressure, and redness of the eyes. Glaucoma is treated with medications that relax the eye muscles and reduce the pressure inside the eye. In more severe cases, an intrascleral lens or laser procedure may be needed.

Eye fatigue Eye fatigue is a fairly common phenomenon, which is characterized by blurred vision and discomfort in the eyes. Most often, eye fatigue occurs due to long hours of working at the computer, reading or playing on gadgets. It can also be a side effect of some medications. Treatment for eye fatigue includes rest, massage, and special eye exercises. It is important to remember to choose the right distance to the screen or book. If eye fatigue continues for a long time, you should consult a doctor. Myopia Myopia is a pathology when the focus does not fall on the retina, but in front of it, which leads to decreased vision. The main symptom of myopia is a high, distinct, distance-oriented barrel-shaped refraction, in other words, myopia. There are high degrees of myopia (closer to -30) in combination with changes in the body, closer to 60 years, and low degrees (closer to -15) are usually functional. Today, treatment for myopia is quite effective. According to experts, treatment should be carried out in preschool age.