
Symptoms and signs of vaginitis

Female vaginitis is a very common disease. Unfortunately, many women do not even realize that they may have it. A similar phenomenon in medicine is called chronic inflammatory process in the vagina. It can last for a long time, worsening from time to time as soon as the body's defenses are reduced.

The disease is a consequence of infection or exacerbation of latent infections that reduce the body's immunity.

**Symptoms of vaginismus:**

- itching and burning in the vaginal organs; - bloody discharge from the genitals; - swelling; - painful sensations when urinating; - infertility, menstrual irregularities.

The disease occurs for various reasons. Not every infection of the genitourinary system leads to a similar disease. This could be, for example, ureaplasmosis or other problems. If acute infections are not treated correctly, the diseases recur over time, and the woman crosses the threshold of the chronic stage. Inflammation can also cause serious complications. Therefore, if you have any discharge from the genital tract, you should immediately consult a doctor. This is the only way you can avoid the development of more serious disorders.

Treatment for vaginitis should include treating symptoms and infection. Specific treatments depend on the type and severity of the disease. The usual treatment is the use of antibiotics. In some cases, treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs may be necessary. Sometimes, agents that strengthen the immune system may be used as part of therapy. Today there are the latest biological treatments for vaginitis. Recovery from illness usually takes place within a few weeks.

Vaginismus is a medical term that refers to a condition of involuntary contraction of the muscles of the vagina and sometimes surrounding tissues, which makes it impossible for a woman to penetrate the penis during sexual intercourse. Such conditions arise due to fear of pain or due to emotional reasons. If the condition lasts more than a few minutes, it may also affect the frequency