
Country of origin - Russia

Pharm-Group - dietary supplements that help normalize peripheral circulation

Manufacturers - Fora-Pharm (Russia)

International name - Venactiv

Ingredients - Green tea extract (50 mg), ginkgo biloba leaf extract (20 mg), white willow bark extract (30 mg), ascorbic acid (20 mg), lactose, calcium stearate.

Indications for use - Functional weakness of the veins, accompanied by a feeling of heaviness, fatigue, cramps, for the prevention of evening leg fatigue associated with standing and sedentary work, the initial stage of varicose veins, vascular patterns on the legs.

Contraindications - Individual intolerance to the components.

Side effect - No information.

Interaction - No information.

Overdose - No information.

Special instructions - No.

Literature - Advertising brochure of the manufacturing company "Fora-Pharm".