
Country of origin: Switzerland

Pharm-Group: Plasma replacement solutions based on gelatin, starch, albumin

Manufacturers: B. Brown Melsungen AG, produced by B. Brown Medical AG (Switzerland)

International name: Hydroxyethyl starch

Synonyms: Voluven, Hemohes, Infucol Gek, Infucol Gek 10%, Infukol Gek 6%, Refortan, Refortan GEC, Refortan plus, Stabizol, Stabizol GEC 6%, HAES-steril, HAES-steril 6%

Dosage forms: solution for infusion 6%

Composition: Active ingredient - Polyhydroxyethyl starch.

Indications for use: Hypovolemia, hypovolemic shock (prevention and therapy): for burns, injuries, operations, septic conditions, etc.; hemodilution (including isovolemic); increasing the collection of leukocyte mass by centrifugation (as an additional means for leukapheresis).

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, severe hemorrhagic diathesis and other disorders accompanied by bleeding, incl. with coagulopathies, hypervolemia, hyperhydration or dehydration, severe congestive heart failure, severe renal dysfunction with oligo- and anuria (not associated with hypovolemia), pregnancy, breastfeeding (stop during treatment), children's age (up to 10 years).

Side effects: Allergic and anaphylactoid reactions, including urticaria, bronchospasm with difficulty breathing, pulmonary edema, heart failure, increased serum amylase levels; against the background of high doses - coagulopathy (transient prolongation of blood clotting time, prothrombin and partial thrombin time), with hemodilution - a decrease (within 24 hours) in serum levels of total protein, albumin, calcium and fibrinogen, with leukapheresis - headache and dizziness, diarrhea , nausea, vomiting, temporary weight gain, anxiety, insomnia, feeling tired, weakness, malaise, fever, chills, trembling, swelling, paresthesia, acne, chest pain, increased heart rate, slight decrease in platelet count and hemoglobin level.

Interaction: No data available.

Overdose: No data available.

Special instructions: Use with caution in case of pulmonary edema and congestive heart failure (due to fluid overload of the circulatory bloodstream), with altered renal Cl (since the main route of excretion is renal), history of liver disease (with multiple infusions the level of indirect serum bilirubin normalizes 96 hours after the end of the last infusion). It is necessary to take into account a possible decrease in serum values ​​of total protein, albumin, calcium, platelets, fibrinogen, hemoglobin, an increase in amylase levels (complicates the diagnosis of pancreatitis), and prolongation of bleeding time. Before and during treatment, it is recommended to frequently and regularly monitor the content of leukocytes, platelets, hemoglobin, hematocrit, creatinine, prothrombin and partial thromboplastin time. If fever, chills or other complications occur during the leukapheresis procedure or if instability of the solution is detected, the infusion is immediately suspended. Do not inject the solution if the color changes or a crystalline precipitate forms.

Literature: Encyclopedia of Medicines 2004