
Country of origin - Russia
Pharm-Group - dietary supplement with antiparasitic effect

Manufacturers - Artlife (Russia)
International name - Versugelmin


  1. Senna (leaf) - 15 mg
  2. Buckthorn (bark) - 25 mg
  3. Licorice (root extract) - 2.5 mg
  4. Pumpkin (seed) - 25 mg
  5. Birch (leaf) - 25 mg
  6. Freeze-dried garlic - 5 mg
  7. Wormwood (herb) - 100 mg
  8. Tansy (flowers) - 50 mg
  9. Elecampane (rhizomes with roots) - 15 mg
  10. St. John's wort (herb) - 50 mg
  11. Yarrow (herb) - 25 mg

Indications for use:
Recommended as a general tonic that improves the functional state of the gastrointestinal tract, with mild laxative and choleretic effects. Used for helminthic infestations such as ascariasis and enterobiasis.

Individual intolerance to product components.

Side effect:
No information available.

No information available.

No information available.

Special instructions:
It is recommended to consult a doctor before use. Sanitation of all family members is recommended.

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