Vipoma, Apudoma (Vipomd)

Vipoma and Apudoma are tumors of tumor cells that secrete a specific hormone called vasoactive intestinal peptide. Vipomas are tumors of the acinar cells of the pancreas. At present, no precise approach has yet been invented for either treatment or diagnosis of VIPOM. Treatment is possible only surgically - removal of the tumor and, if the intestine is damaged, its dissection. As a rule, the operation is quite successful. In the absence of surgery, intestinal obstruction with all the ensuing consequences is possible.

Vipoma or Apoma is a disease that has no tendency to develop and is never fatal. An islet cell tumor of the subtalar gland that produces vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP).

VIPoma is a common diagnosis in patients with a range of symptomatic problems, although it is usually asymptomatic and detected during routine examination. This tumor is a neoplasm of the subtalar tract (D axis) and is a rare manifestation of the 6p21 chromosomal abnormality Leodam's syndrome.

Acute symptoms are minor, often completely absent, but appear over time. Although there may be bleeding through the rectum, pain or cramping in the abdomen or tachycardia