
Temporal - located in or related to the temporal region.

The temporal region is the part of the head between the eye socket and the ear. It contains the temporal bone and the temporalis muscle.

The temporal bone is a paired bone of the skull that forms the lateral and lower parts of the skull. It connects to the parietal, occipital and sphenoid bones.

The temporal muscle is a paired chewing muscle that runs from the temporal bone to the lower jaw. It is involved in the movements of the lower jaw during chewing.

Also in the temporal region are the temporal lobe of the brain and the temporal artery. The temporal lobe is responsible for hearing, speech, memory and other higher cortical functions. The temporal artery supplies blood to the temporal lobe and other structures of the head.

Thus, temporal means pertaining to the area of ​​the head containing important bone and muscle structures as well as part of the brain.

Temporal is located in the temporal region, relating to the temporal part of the head. The temporal region is located at the back of the skull and includes the temporal bone, which is one of the largest bones in the skull. This area also contains many important structures such as the brain, eyeballs, ears, teeth and muscles.

Temporal slang, used in the context of music or other art forms, refers to something that is happening at a given moment in time. For example, if you hear a song about a “temporal” person, it could mean that he is stressed or anxious.

Additionally, the term “temporal” can be used in the context of science and medicine to refer to something related to the temporal region, such as the temporal nerve, temporal bone, or temporal lobe of the brain.

In general, the word “temporal” has many meanings, and its use may depend on the context and area of ​​activity.

Temporal - located in the temporal part or related to this area. In anatomy, the temporal part of the head is the back part of the skull, which is located between the temple and the ear. It consists of the temporal bones, which form the temporal fossa. This fossa contains the temporal lobes of the brain, which are responsible for hearing, memory and emotions.

Temporal can also be used in medicine to describe diseases associated with the temporal region. For example, temporal hemiparesis is a motor dysfunction that occurs due to damage to the temporal lobe of the brain. Also, temporal lobe epilepsy is a form of epilepsy that affects the temporal lobe.

In addition, any object that is related to the temporal region can be called temporal. For example, the temporal bone is one of the bones of the skull that forms the temporal part of the head. The temporalis muscle is a muscle that is located on the side of the head and is responsible for eye movement. A temple ring is a ring that is used to secure headphones or other devices to the head.

In general, the word “temporal” has many meanings and can be used to describe various things related to the temporal regions of the head or body.