Vitamin A

Country of origin: Germany
Pharm-Group: Retinoid group (vitamin A)

Manufacturers: Bayer AG (Germany)
International name: Retinol
Synonyms: Bartel Drugs Vitamin A, Videstim, Vitadral, Natural Vitamin A "Vitamin A 6000ME", Retinol palmitate solution (Vitamin A) 100,000 IU/ml in oil, Retinol palmitate solution 100,000 IU in capsules (Vitamin A), Retinol, Retinol acetate , Retinol acetate (Vitamin A acetate)

Dosage forms: capsules 25000 units, capsules 50000 units
Composition: Active substance - retinol.

Indications for use: Hypovitaminosis and vitamin A deficiency, infectious diseases (measles, dysentery, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia), skin diseases (burns, frostbite, wounds, skin tuberculosis, hyperkeratosis, ichthyosis, psoriasis, pyoderma, some forms of eczema and other inflammatory and degenerative pathological processes), eye diseases (retinitis pigmentosa, hemeralopia, xerophthalmia, keratomalacia, eczematous lesions of the eyelids, conjunctivitis), rickets, malnutrition, acute respiratory diseases, chronic bronchopulmonary diseases, erosive-ulcerative and inflammatory lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, cirrhosis of the liver, epithelial tumors and leukemia (to increase the resistance of hematopoietic tissue to the action of cytostatics), mastopathy.

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, cholelithiasis, chronic pancreatitis, pregnancy (first trimester). Restrictions on use: Acute and chronic nephritis, cardiac decompensation.

Side effects: Headache, lethargy, nausea, vomiting, fever, drowsiness, peeling of the skin, gait disorders, pain in the bones of the lower extremities, hypervitaminosis A. In children, fever, drowsiness, sweating, vomiting, skin rashes, increased cerebrospinal fluid pressure are possible (infants may develop hydrocephalus and bulging fontanel). With intramuscular injections, local pain and the formation of infiltrates are possible.

Interaction: The effect is enhanced by tocopherol and its preparations. Reduces (mutually) the risk of hypervitaminosis D. The absorption of retinol is disrupted by nitrites and cholestyramine.

Overdose: In acute hypervitaminosis - severe headache, dizziness, drowsiness, confusion, visual disturbances, convulsions, uncontrollable vomiting, profuse diarrhea, severe dehydration; on the second day a widespread rash appears, followed by peeling.

Special instructions: The teratogenic effect of increased doses of retinol persists even after stopping its use, therefore it is recommended to plan pregnancy when using the drug only after 6-12 months.


  1. Register of Medicines 2004.