Vitaon Baby

Vitaon Baby: description of the medicine and its use

Vitaon Baby is an anti-inflammatory drug produced in the form of a balm. The drug is produced by Litomed in Russia and belongs to the pharmaceutical group of anti-inflammatory drugs of different groups.

The international name of the medicine is Vitaon, and there are also synonyms: Vitaon Karavaeva, Vitaon Lux. Vitaon Baby balm is intended for external use and can be used to treat various skin diseases.

The drug contains plant extracts such as calendula, sage, chamomile, as well as essential oils and vitamins. The balm has anti-inflammatory, regenerating and antiseptic effects, which allows it to be used to treat various skin diseases in children.

Vitaon Baby is recommended for the treatment of dermatitis, eczema, diaper dermatitis, as well as for skin care for infants. The balm can be applied to the skin directly or mixed with baby cream or oil.

When using Vitaon Baby, you must follow the rules of hand hygiene and keep your skin clean. It is not recommended to apply the balm to open wounds and severely damaged skin.

Vitaon Baby is not a drug that eliminates the cause of the disease, so if your skin condition worsens, you should consult a doctor.

In general, Vitaon Baby is an effective remedy for the treatment of various skin diseases in children. However, as with any other medicine, it is necessary to follow all instructions for use and monitor the condition of the child’s skin.