Dropsy of the lacrimal sac

Hydrocele of the lacrimal duct is a pathological condition of the eye, characterized by the accumulation of transudate in the cavity of the lacrimal sac. It is observed in children and adolescents. In the international classification of ICD 10, the pathology code is Q10-Q12. It is extremely rare in adults and is most often associated with malignant tumors of the eye.

What is hydrops of the lacrimal gland? The lacrimal sac is a structure of the eyeball responsible for draining intraocular fluid into the nasal passage. It consists of a medium and large gland, which are part of the tear ducts. The contents of the gland are fluid that is released during blinking, as well as tears throughout the day. Hydrocele of the sac is the result of excessive accumulation of gland secretions. The pathological process has a clear clinical picture and is diagnosed against the background of underdevelopment of the ocular apparatus, abnormalities in the structure of the nose and palate and other congenital changes.

Symptoms of the disease Manifestations of pathology differ in intensity and severity depending on the degree of damage to the canals. Typically, dropsy is detected in newborns or after 2 years. If there is a significant accumulation of fluid, the patient is concerned about: pain in the eyes, a feeling of heaviness; redness of the conjunctiva; lacrimation; coughing and sneezing when pressing on the area

Pathology of the lacrimal sac or hydrocele of the lacrimal sacs is a disease that occurs against the background of the accumulation of fluid in the tissues of the gland, resulting in stretching of its walls. **Hydrosis of the lacrimal sac** is one of the causes of impaired outflow of tears from the eye and is often accompanied by inflammatory processes. This complex disorder is manifested by pain when blinking, inflammation of the outer eyelid, blepharospasm, absence of any tear production, etc. The longer a person does not seek medical help, the greater the risk of complications. The pathology is treated by an ophthalmologist; therapy includes the conservative use of medications and surgical methods for advanced disease.

Causes There are no exact causes of hydrops of the lacrimal sac, but it is known that the main factors in the development of the disease are the following conditions:

injuries resulting in damage to the wall of the sac, which ensures the outflow of tears; disruption of lymph outflow and blood circulation in the lacrimal sac and surrounding tissues, provoked by infections, tumors, polyps, etc.; ptosis. Signs The first symptoms of inflammation of the lacrimal gland are noticed by patients 5 to 7 days after the onset of the disease. A person complains of discomfort in the area of ​​the bag. Also among the clinical manifestations are:

increased eyelash sensitivity; double vision; photophobia; noise in ears; redness of white; nasal congestion; anxiety; burning eyes, the appearance of the victim indicates the inability to open the eyelids completely or even partially. Treatment The basis of therapy is the use of medications. The doctor prescribes: * antibacterial agents to prevent and