Military Medical Doctrine

Military medical doctrine is one of the most important elements of the state’s defense strategy, as it determines the most effective methods and means of providing medical care to military personnel when they perform military missions. This is a set of scientifically based provisions that determines the system and methods of medical support for combat operations carried out in various historical conditions.

Military medical doctrine defines the theoretical and practical foundations of medical support for military personnel in war. It includes means and methods of armed warfare, the level of modern military medicine, the state of medical institutions, various conditions characteristic of theaters of military operations, as well as the behavior and needs of people. The main goal of military medical doctrine is to provide optimal conditions for military personnel to perform their duties in combat conditions and to minimize the consequences of combat operations on the health of soldiers. The basic principles of military medical doctrine include: preserving life and increasing the combat effectiveness of military personnel, reducing personnel losses, effective use of medical equipment and methods, increasing the level of prevention of diseases, psychological injuries and strengthening the morale of soldiers.

Modern military medicine is a complex and multicomponent system consisting of various elements. One of these components is military medical training, which includes the education and training of medical workers, the organization of healthcare and military medicine. Military medical training includes the study of the basics of human anatomy, physiology, diseases and treatment, medical ethics and deontology, resuscitation care, toxicology, biochemistry and pharmacology, as well as other sciences. The training is also aimed at developing practical skills and abilities in providing medical care for various diseases and injuries, organizing preventive work in the medical field. Military medical training is an important component of the military health care system. The professional training of doctors and nurses also includes the study of ways to preserve the life and health of military personnel in combat conditions and the psycho-emotional stress that many soldiers and officers experience during their military service.

Combat medics play a vital role in ensuring the health and well-being of soldiers during combat operations. The military medical doctorate is the basis for organizing medical support for military personnel. It defines the basic principles of the organization of military health care, including goals, objectives, resources and mechanisms for their use.

The purpose of military medical doctrine is to ensure the preservation of life, health, combat effectiveness and the protection of national interests during armed conflicts. It is the basis for planning, organizing and carrying out therapeutic and preventive measures aimed at preserving the health of military personnel and ensuring the effective performance of troops.

Military medical doctrine defines the following main directions:

1. Planning of medical support for troops during war or other conflict situations. This includes defining goals and objectives, assessing risks and making appropriate decisions to address them. 2. Organization of medical support for the military contingent. Military medical documentation in this area provides for the development of the necessary documents, instructions and other documents to ensure the functioning of the military healthcare system. 3. Consulting and coordinating the activities of various medical services and organizations.