Orthopedic collar

An orthopedic collar, also known as a cervical brace, is a medical device used to fix and support the cervical spine. It provides stability and limits movement of the head and neck, which helps repair damaged or injured neck tissue and reduce pain and discomfort.

Orthopedic collars are used to treat various conditions such as traumatic injuries such as neck fractures, as well as to treat neck pain associated with various diseases such as degenerative disc disease and herniated discs.

The orthopedic collar is manufactured in the United States of America by Fosta Trading, which is one of the leading manufacturers of medical equipment for traumatology and orthopedics. It is also known by various synonyms such as applicator collar, head holder and cervical brace.

The orthopedic collar has several types and sizes, which are selected depending on the specific problem and needs of the patient. It can be made from a variety of materials, such as foam, plastic or metal, and can be customized to each patient's individual parameters.

An orthopedic collar should be used only on the recommendation of a doctor and under his supervision. If used incorrectly, it can cause additional problems such as neck pain, headaches and decreased muscle strength. When used correctly, an orthopedic collar helps reduce pain, restore damaged tissue and speed up the healing process.

In general, an orthopedic collar is an important medical device for the treatment of various problems with the cervical spine. It provides stability and support to the neck, reduces pain and discomfort, and helps repair damaged tissue. Patients requiring cervical spine treatment should discuss the use of an orthopedic collar with their physician.