
The nut family (as edible nuts are collectively grouped) is quite significant. These include walnuts (with many varieties) and pine (Siberian and Lebanese cedars) nuts, hazelnuts (hazelnuts, hazelnuts), beech nuts, plane trees, pistachios, almonds, decan, chestnuts, chilim and many others. Based on their chemical composition, they are divided into two groups. The first, most numerous group is the nut-bearing group, which produces fruits extremely rich in fats: walnuts, beech, hazelnuts, pine nuts, as well as almonds, pistachios, pecans, and plane trees. These nuts also contain a significant amount of protein.

The second group includes crops whose fruits are dominated by carbohydrates (starch, sugars). These are real or edible chestnut and chilim (water chestnut, devil's nut, horned nut). In addition, nut kernels are a whole storehouse of various vitamins, mineral salts and microelements.

The use of nuts is multifaceted and versatile. They are not only consumed fresh, but also used to produce highly valuable nut oil. Nuts are especially widely used in the food industry, in particular in the confectionery industry, where they are used in large quantities to prepare nut dough, vegetable cream, and nut milk. Without them it is impossible to make pralines and marzipans. Nuts have gained great popularity in the cooking of different nations for preparing various dishes. Today in the world there are many recipes for cooking dishes with nuts.

The ways of preparing them are rich and varied. Nuts are used fresh, dried, toasted, smoked, boiled, whole, pieces, ground into flour, which is mixed into dough and many dishes. Most often, the nut kernels are roasted. But they should be dried at a temperature not exceeding 90°C, since at higher temperatures many biologically active compounds, including vitamins, are destroyed. It is best to fry nuts in a frying pan, on the stove, stirring continuously, or put them in the oven for 3-5 minutes.

Short-term heating, even at high temperatures, is accompanied by less loss of the biological value of products. The main destruction of biologically active substances occurs not so much from high temperature, but from the duration of heating and storage time. The time factor, according to scientists, plays a decisive role in preserving the biological value of food products. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the nuts do not burn. Otherwise they will darken and become tasteless.

Walnut fruits are food that satisfies the most refined taste. This product is for the soul, the stomach, and the body. The practice of the Caucasian peoples, who widely use walnuts in their cuisines (they add it to all possible sour, fresh, bitter, salty, spicy, sweet snacks, first and second courses, sauces, gravies, desserts, sprinkle it on baked confectionery, etc.) etc.), shows that it significantly improves the taste of food, its qualitative composition, as well as its biological value.

This is how the article about nuts turned out.