Water Treatments, Rubdown

Water Treatments: Rubbing, Pouring and Their Healing Properties

Water procedures have a long history of use for treatment and hardening of the body. These include baths, showers, bathing, wiping, dousing and wet wrapping. In this article we will look at the features of wiping and dousing, as well as their positive effects on health.

Rubbing is one of the easiest water procedures and has a refreshing and tonic effect on the body. It helps improve blood circulation and metabolism, and also increases the body's resistance to colds. Rubbing can be used as an independent method of promoting health, as well as in the complex treatment of certain diseases, such as neurasthenia.

The wiping procedure is performed using a canvas sheet or a rubber sponge, moistened with water at a temperature of about 32-30°C and wrung out well. Rubbing is carried out with quick and vigorous movements over the entire body or specific parts of it, such as the arms and legs. It is recommended to start by wiping one arm, then rub it with a dry towel until it feels warm, then repeat the same with the other arm, chest, stomach and legs. The procedure is recommended to be carried out daily, especially in the morning after exercise.

The air temperature in the room where wiping is carried out should not be lower than 18-20°C. The water temperature is gradually reduced to 20-18°C. Wiping may also be performed partially as prescribed by a physician to refresh and cleanse the skin of patients in bed.

You can add pine extract, aromatic vinegar or cologne to the water intended for rubbing. In a hospital setting, this procedure is usually performed by medical staff, but it can also be done at home under the guidance of a doctor.

Pouring is another method of using water to harden and begin a course of hydrotherapy. This procedure is similar to a shower in its effect. During dousing, a naked patient standing in a bathtub or large basin with warm water (about 37-38°C) is doused with water from a bucket, watering can or hose 2-3 times so that all the water flows down the body to the legs. The dousing procedure is recommended to be carried out daily for 4-6 weeks, gradually reducing the water temperature to 20-18°C.

Dousing has a number of positive effects on the body. It helps strengthen the immune system, increase overall endurance, improve blood circulation and metabolism. Pouring also helps relieve fatigue, tension and stress, promotes relaxation and improves sleep. In addition, dousing can be an effective method in the complex treatment of certain diseases, such as arterial hypertension and respiratory diseases.

It is important to remember that you should consult your doctor before performing a rubdown or douse, especially if you have any chronic diseases or conditions. The doctor will be able to assess your individual characteristics and make recommendations regarding water temperature and duration of procedures.

Water treatments, such as dabbing and dousing, can be effective and enjoyable ways to promote health and overall well-being. They can be incorporated into your daily routine and help you feel refreshed, alert and more resilient to environmental stressors.