Will you accept me?

Title: Will you accept me?

Why are some children not accepted by the team? It would seem that he was so sociable at home - and suddenly so lonely at school. But the child whom you feed breakfast every morning and kiss before bed in the evening may be perceived by your classmates in a completely different way than you imagine...

School is about children, and only children. After the bell rings, the corridors are filled with a screaming, seething, running crowd, avoiding which the teachers press against the wall. Who stands aside from the general din of a great change? Rejected people are those with whom no one wants to be friends at all, with whom they do not want to have common interests, activities, attachments, with whom they will not even sit next to, although they, in turn, are drawn to the team and accept many...

In a family, a child, as a rule, is in an environment of complete love and acceptance. You love him already for what he is. But a group like him judges more harshly. A sneak, a crammer, a fool, a suck-up, a psycho, a mama's boy, a rich Pinocchio, a new guy... The rejected person will definitely be assigned to one of these groups, given an offensive nickname. After all, children can sense the difference a mile away between the normal ones who make up the majority and those who stand out from the crowd.

Fool... What meanings are not put into this nickname! From a girl's flirtatious response to a boy's antics to a battle cry before a fight. But the mark of a fool stuck to the same student is already a formidable sign. Every class unanimously rejects those whom God has deprived of intellect.

Here's another example. Sasha is a strong, well-fed boy. The wide back blocks the entire view of those sitting behind, but they cannot even be moved to the second table. Mom asked... Until the seventh grade, she finds time to personally walk her son to the school doors in the morning. She goes with him on all trips and hikes, carrying his backpack and managing to slip either a bun or a banana into her chubby hand. If Sasha gets sick, mom herself comes to the teacher and finds out what the homework assignment is. And the guys don’t want to communicate with Sasha. They don't even ask to blow away physics. And Sasha, perfectly aware of the situation around him, vainly looks into the eyes of his classmates, trying to strike up friendship with them. Yes, the fate of a mother’s son is hard!

There is a very thin line between nerds and suckers. After all, schoolchildren sometimes regard a well-learned lesson as an attempt to please a math or chemistry student. But suck-ups are a special category. These are classic little Chichikovs, who know how to fawn and serve: they will wipe the blackboard once again, and carry the teacher’s bag to the class, and put a chocolate bar on the table. And they always smile so sweetly, so touchingly that a normal child would simply feel sick. Nobody wants to be friends with a suck-up.

Classmates cautiously avoid those whom they consider crazy. These are children who are emotionally unstable and do not know how to control themselves. They either begin to cry bitterly at the moment when, according to school etiquette, you should proudly lift your nose and show that you don’t care, or they throw books and notebooks in anger. Since the reaction of such a psycho is unpredictable, children prefer not to take risks and not make contact.

The class rejects the sick because it does not see them and gets along without them. But schoolchildren also despise sneaky, sneaky, rich, mama’s boys, and sometimes even hate them. Sometimes you can understand them... Excessive parental love often reliably isolates a child from his peers.

Everything is different with them. School life is strictly regulated: it has its own secret moral code and its own set of unwritten rules. Every adult wants to instill in their child as many high qualities as possible. But children do not differentiate complex concepts well, and some do not even understand what they are talking about. Therefore, it is best to explain to the child what you want in simple and transparent childish language. It’s even better to show how this or that quality works using your own example.