
Article "Yatro or 2 steps to a mistake in starting a business"

“A business is either a business model or a hobby.” This is what many successful entrepreneurs say. And I can't help but agree with this statement. Each company should have its own business model - a certain idea that underlies the entire business. Without it, you cannot determine the target audience, product or service, competitors and other important elements.

However, in reality, not every entrepreneur has a complete understanding of how to form a business idea, much less how to implement it. And this can lead to sad consequences: rejection of ideas, ineffective company activities, even in such situations there are chances to avoid them. To do this, it is necessary to research the market and competitors, as well as find out the preferences and needs of consumers. Only then can you draw up an action plan and create a successful business.

There are several tips that can help you avoid mistakes when starting a business:

1. Trust the professionals. Professional mentors, technologists and sales managers can provide valuable advice and guidance for creating a successful startup. They will help you cope with financial difficulties, risk management and decision-making in critical situations. 2. See how successful startups operate. By studying examples of successful companies, you can get a lot of ideas about how to work, what optimization methods to use, and how to determine your best formula for success. 3. Be open to new ideas. We are all limited by our thoughts and ideas, but at the same time we have not yet studied trends, technologies and even solutions. By constantly analyzing market prospects, competition, and technology news, you can stay a couple of steps ahead of your senior colleagues and introduce innovations before they mature. This gives you access to new audiences and new ideas!