
Exercise (also called hygienic morning exercises) is a set of physical exercises performed in the morning after sleep.

The purpose of exercise is to warm up and prepare the body for upcoming physical and mental activity. Regular exercise improves well-being, increases performance and tone of the body.

The exercise complex usually includes simple exercises aimed at developing flexibility, endurance, and coordination of movements. This can be tilting and turning the head, circular movements of the arms, squats, lunges, jumps, and abdominal exercises.

Charging time ranges from 10 to 30 minutes. The optimal time to perform it is from 7 to 8 am.

Regular exercise helps improve health, ensure good health and a productive start to the day.

Everything that will be discussed in this article is intended only for those who love to live, who know how or want to savor their days, enjoying the very process of life, from every inhalation and exhalation, from the fact that the coming day is full of surprises, surprises and discoveries - and that’s why it’s beautiful!

Morning. The beginning of a new day. What will this new day be like? I remember lines from an old song by Kinchev, which we once sang in the gateways:

Morning, Monday, it’s hard to get up.
There was a lantern burning outside the window, it kept me from sleeping all night.
Street, cars, wet sidewalk,
Reflection of headlights in sleepy shop windows.
Subway crush, bus scandal.
Stop, people are in a puddle. Asphalt, glass, metal.
Bored faces, stale air on the walls,
Talk about nothing
So every day.

Probably, many of us, who hate alarm clocks, can hardly lift our heads from the pillow and make incredible efforts to wake up, could subscribe to these lines. Of course, you can live like this, hating the morning, hating yourself, barely surviving every day, struggling with lethargy and apathy towards everything that surrounds you, drowning in everyday monotony, submitting to routine and boredom.

But it can be done differently! What if you try to paint the surrounding reality in completely different colors? Do you want the morning to be filled with light and sun, so that the freshness of the dawn hours will fill you with its juices for the whole day, so that the city will suddenly be transformed, greet you with purity and the major rhythm of new achievements? Then start with yourself.

It just seems that changing the world is difficult. Sometimes, very simple things are enough for black to suddenly change to white, or even better, to color.

Try, against all odds, to get up 15 minutes earlier and start the day with... exercise. We have been told about the benefits of morning exercises since childhood. This is already a kind of hackneyed truth, but it’s hackneyed because it’s completely fair. The biggest difficulty is overcoming yourself, your laziness. But, having crossed this barrier, you, first of all, will receive great moral pleasure from the awareness of your strength, from the fact that you are an integral strong-willed person, capable of not just going with the flow, but independently shaping both your body and your life. This thought itself can be more powerful than any mantra. And life will not be slow to smile back at you. Physical activity will give you vigor and energy, a feeling of joy, upliftment, and, therefore, the world around you will sparkle with completely different colors. Remember the perky Soviet song: “The morning greets us with coolness / The river meets us in the wind” and further “Don’t sleep, get up, curly / In chains, ringing, / The country rises with glory / To meet the day.” It turns out that you can rise “with glory”, breaking the shackles of everyday heaviness, you can let music into your home, give yourself the joy of movement and, most importantly, health.

Another hackneyed truth: morning exercises are extremely beneficial for your health. Your body is toned, all internal organs are awakened and ready to work. Simple exercises, a contrast shower, a delicious breakfast - and now you have forgotten about the heaviness in your stomach, about colds and flu, about all kinds of infections, about the feeling of chronic fatigue and the need to swallow endless pills. Day by day your body will become stronger, more resilient and more beautiful.

It is especially good if you move your morning exercises to fresh air. Exercising outside will liberate your body, as if freeing it from its shackles, and a breath of fresh air will work better than any vitamin. At the same time, it is not necessary to exhaust yourself with strength training or other intense exercises, after which you want to sleep instead of a surge of energy. You can simply go for a light jog, clearing your lungs with the fresh morning air, then do a series of exercises to increase flexibility, which will allow you to relieve minor stiffness in your muscles.

Exercise is one of the most important elements of a healthy lifestyle. It helps improve blood circulation, increase energy levels, strengthen muscles and joints, and improve mood and overall well-being.

Exercise can be different: from simple stretching exercises to complex workouts using various exercise equipment. The main thing is to choose the exercises that are right for you and perform them regularly.

The best time for exercise is in the morning, when the body has not yet had time to wake up and recharge with energy. However, if you do not have the opportunity to exercise in the morning, you can do exercises at any time of the day.

In addition, exercise can be not only physical, but also mental. For example, you can read books, solve puzzles, or just think about something pleasant. This will help improve brain function and increase concentration.

Overall, exercise is a simple and affordable way to improve your health and well-being. So don’t forget to do it regularly and enjoy the process!