
Zhelchevoy is a homeopathic medicine produced in Russia by the Materia Medica company for the treatment of diseases of the biliary system.

Strychnos nux vomica C200
Lycopodium clavatum C30
Chelidonium majus C200

Available in the form of granules for oral administration, 10 g per package.

Indications for use:

  1. cholelithiasis
  2. biliary dyskinesia
  3. acute and chronic cholecystitis
  4. cholangitis
  5. dyspeptic syndrome in liver diseases
  6. prevention of disorders of the biliary system

The mechanism of action is based on the homeopathic principle - the effect of small doses of components that stimulate natural processes in the body.

No contraindications or side effects were identified. If there is no effect within 2 weeks, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Register of Medicines of Russia. Ed. 8.