Prostate Gland

For some, the prostate gland will come as a surprise, for others it will not. It all depends on the sexual position. By the way, even women who are of reproductive age are familiar with the same problem, but it is expressed in a slightly different manifestation. This is thrush.

If you haven't heard about this, then I'll explain. This name refers to a disease of the mucous membrane, which is also related to reproductive dysfunction. In women, the layer of the clitoral head becomes thinner, which causes painful sensations at the exit of urine, and a burning sensation appears in the genitourinary organs.

Prostate Gland is a special male reproductive gland that produces an alkaline secretion. The secretion contains important components for the production of sperm and is part of ejaculation (seminal fluid). The secretion is released into the excretory ducts, which open into the urinary system. An increase in the volume of the gland, characteristic, for example, during aging of men, can lead to disruption of the flow of urine and its absorption into the kidneys, due to pressure on the urinary canal. This disorder is called benign prostatic hypertrophy and can lead to the destruction of kidney tissue.

One of the ways to medically solve the problem of prostate enlargement is the use of medications. One of these drugs is Finasteride, a specific drug to reduce the activity of the prostate gland. The course of treatment can be lengthy, but is effective in limiting the size of the prostate gland. If drug treatment cannot completely normalize the condition, then a prostatectomy may be performed. This procedure involves complete removal of the prostate gland. The procedure is dangerous, so it is performed only in specialized medical institutions.

An important factor is also the timely detection of changes in the prostate gland. There are ways to identify symptoms and physical signs of prostate enlargement so that timely medical examination and appropriate recommendations can be made. Changing daily habits, diet and regular physical activity can also have a positive effect on a man's overall prostate health.