
Misogynistic views of women are a biased and negative view of women's roles in society. It is based on the belief that women do not have the same rights and opportunities as men and that they can harm society. This opinion is often associated with the idea that women are weak and inexperienced creatures in need of male protection and guidance. In other words, the misogynist believes that women are naturally more prone to conflict, lack logic, and make unreasonable decisions.

Misogynistic views are common in various spheres of life - from politics to culture and education. In politics, for example, some misogynists may oppose women's participation in elections or limit their rights in employment, convinced that this will lead to greater efficiency and productivity in society. For misogynistic publicists, this view may be reflected in the form of toxic stereotypes, such as criticism of male figures, female physical forms, or a woman's lack of ability to understand various aspects of society. This tendency towards misogyny can have negative consequences