Giannou-Halperna Esophagoplasty

Jianu-Halpern esophagofundoplication (JGP) is one of the methods for treating hiatal hernia (HH). This method was developed in the 1920s by Romanian surgeon Ioan Gianu and Soviet surgeon Yakov Halpern.

The Jianu-Halpern operation is a combination of two operations: esophagotomy (cutting the esophagus) and fundoplication (stacking the stomach). During surgery, the surgeon cuts the esophagus and stomach, then places the stomach on the surface of the esophagus to prevent it from prolapse. The surgeon then fixes the stomach to the esophagus and diaphragm to create a new channel for food to pass through.

The main advantage of the Zhianu-Halpern operation is that it eliminates not only a hiatal hernia, but also other problems associated with the stomach and esophagus. This operation can be performed either laparoscopically or openly.

However, the Zhianu-Halpern operation has its drawbacks. It can lead to complications such as fistula formation, scarring and gastric dysfunction. Additionally, this surgery can be complex and lengthy, which can increase the risk of complications.

Despite this, Zhianu-Galpern surgery remains one of the most effective methods of treating hiatal hernia. It allows you to eliminate hiatal hernia and improve the quality of life of patients.

***Gianu-Galperna esoplas*** is a method of surgical treatment of perforated gastric ulcers, created by two Romanian surgeons Jacob Galpern and Gianu Gianu in the 1930s. This method became one of the first successful methods of treating severe peptic ulcer disease in the West, which was previously considered incurable. In this article we will look at the history of the origin and development of this operation, as well as its modern significance in medicine.

***Historical review*** Jianu – Galperna ezol is the result of the joint work of two outstanding surgeons from Romania and the USSR. Yakov Galpern is a Russian surgeon, born in 1876 in Moscow and was one of the leading specialists of his time, specializing in the treatment of severe forms of gastric ulcer. Gianu Gianovara is a Romanian doctor, born in 1880 in Cahul, known for his achievements in the field of surgical practice.

In 1923, Zhianu and Halpern together began to study microscopic changes in the epithelium of the stomach wall during a perforated ulcer. Based on this research, they developed an operation they called "nested"