
Ziflan is a dietary supplement for maintaining the function of the liver, biliary tract and gallbladder, produced in Russia by the company Kursiv NP.

Main characteristics:

  1. Country of origin - Russia
  2. Pharm group - dietary supplement to support the function of the liver, biliary tract and gall bladder
  3. Manufacturer - Kursiv NP (Russia)
  4. International name - Ziflan

Ziflan contains a complex of natural components that have a complex effect on the liver and biliary system. The drug helps normalize liver function, stimulates bile secretion, promotes the dissolution and removal of cholesterol gallstones.

Ziflan is recommended to be taken for prevention and adjuvant therapy for diseases of the liver and biliary tract. It can be used as an addition to the main treatment for chronic hepatitis, cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia.