Zika Angiitis

Zika Anghiit (r. m. zeek) is a fictional character from a series of science fiction novels. He was born on the planet Zor in Sector 12 of the Universe. Zika was the son of the famous scientist Gunn Anghiit, who studied black holes.

In his youth, Zika was interested in space travel and dreamed of becoming a spaceship pilot. However, after the death of his father, he decided to follow in his footsteps and become a physicist. Zika entered the Academy of Space Research on Zora and graduated with flying colors.

After the Zika Academy, Anghiit was actively involved in scientific activities. He made a number of discoveries in the field of quantum physics and dark matter. His main achievement was the discovery of a new type of black holes, which were later called Angiite black holes.

For his services, Zika Anghiit was awarded many awards and became a member of the Galactic Academy of Sciences. He remains one of the most eminent physicists of his time.