Irradiation Zone

The irradiation zone is a surface or volumetric region in the body during mobile irradiation, within which the radiation beam moves.

The irradiation zone determines the size of the irradiated object exposed to ionizing radiation. The shape and size of the irradiation zone depend on the type of radiation, its energy, beam direction and scanning method.

During radiation therapy, the irradiation area should correspond as much as possible to the shape and size of the tumor in order to minimize irradiation of healthy tissue. For this purpose, collimators are used that form the desired size and configuration of the beam, as well as various scanning methods - static, dynamic, volumetric.

Thus, the irradiation zone is a key concept in describing the irradiation process in medical physics and radiation therapy. The effectiveness and safety of radiation treatment directly depends on the accuracy of its formation.

The irradiation zone is a surface or volumetric region in the body during mobile irradiation, within which the radiation beam moves.

The irradiation zone is determined by the shape and size of the radiation beam, as well as the trajectory of its movement. When the radiation source rotates circularly around the body, the irradiation zone has the shape of a cylinder or sphere. When the source moves linearly, a rectangular irradiation zone is formed.

The size of the irradiation zone depends on the radiation energy and the depth of its penetration into the tissue. The higher the energy, the greater the penetration depth and the larger the zone.

Control of the boundaries of the irradiation zone is necessary to protect surrounding healthy tissues from irradiation. For this purpose, special beam collimation devices and blockers are used.

Thus, the irradiation zone is a spatial characteristic that determines the boundaries of the impact of ionizing radiation on biological tissues. Correct formation of the irradiation zone is an important condition for effective and safe radiation therapy.