Zurunbad - wild ginger

This is a herb similar to sue, but it is larger, less odorous, earthy in color, and it comes from China.

Hot, dry to the third degree.

Dissolves the winds.

Makes it clearer. Eliminates the smell of wine, garlic and onions.

Respiratory and chest organs.
Zurunbad invigorates and strengthens the heart.

Nutritional organs.
Zurunbad holds back vomiting.

Eruption organs.
Zurunbad closes the stomach and helps against winds in the uterus.

Zurunbad is very helpful against reptile bites and even comes close to the citvar root in this regard.

When bitten by reptiles, it is replaced by one and a half times the amount of damselfish, two-thirds the weight of wild chicory and half the weight of citron seeds.