What are white spots after sunbathing?

The main mechanism for the appearance of white spots (hypomelanosis) is due to insufficient production of melanin. It is part of the body's defense system and prevents the development of malignant cells and burns. Sometimes sun spots on the body are the result of fungal infections or thyroid dysfunction.

What is melanin

The pigment that gives color to the skin, hair, and iris of the eyes is called melanin. The substance has a dark brown color and is synthesized during the oxidation of tyrosine in special cells - melanocytes. Typically, the average amount of melanin is determined by genetics, but can fluctuate slightly due to environmental influences. Among the functions of the pigment are:

  1. partial removal of toxic substances from the body;
  2. slowing down the division of cancer cells;
  3. restoration and maintenance of metabolic processes at the cellular level after intoxication;
  4. protection from the harmful effects of direct sunlight.

If there is not enough melanin in the body, then the skin is easily susceptible to sunburn, rashes, inflammation, Addison's disease, and oncology. In addition, changes in blood glucose levels are possible. Melanin is able to inhibit the development of fungus in the epidermis, eliminate stress on the body and reduce the negative effects of free radicals. People who do not have this pigment (albinos), according to statistics, are several dozen times more susceptible to sunburn, exposure to radiation and certain groups of pathogenic microorganisms.

Why do white spots appear on the body after sunbathing?

The cause of the appearance of white spots on the skin after sunbathing, as a rule, is various violations of the normal functioning of internal organs. These include:

The main causes of white spots on the skin

Associated symptoms and distinctive features

  1. severe itching of the affected area;
  2. severe exfoliation of the skin.
  1. discoloration of hair in the affected area;
  2. tendency of spots to grow and merge.
  1. the presence of similar white spots on the skin of blood relatives.
  1. a sudden change in weight up or down for no apparent reason;
  2. menstrual irregularities;
  3. pale skin;
  4. sudden changes in mood;
  5. apathy;
  6. fatigue;
  7. drowsiness;
  8. tachycardia;
  9. insomnia.

Taking certain medications (antibiotics, hormonal contraceptives, celandine preparations)

  1. diarrhea;
  2. nausea;
  3. vomit;
  4. after stopping the medications, the spots decrease and become less pronounced.

Chronic infectious diseases

  1. increased body temperature;
  2. headache;
  3. dizziness.
  1. insomnia;
  2. apathy;
  3. weight loss;
  4. lack of appetite;
  5. sweating

Atrophic skin diseases

  1. unevenness of the subcutaneous fat layer;
  2. dry skin;
  3. increased peeling;
  4. thinning of the epidermis.

White spots after sun in children

As a rule, the main causes of white spots on the skin in children are excess ultraviolet radiation, sunburn, infectious pathologies of the skin, tinea versicolor, vitiligo, decreased functioning of the immune system due to previous diseases or prolonged vitamin deficiency.

Treatment methods

The treatment method should be selected by the attending physician after diagnosis and identification of the exact cause of the appearance of white spots. The standard treatment regimen involves the use of medications with a high content of vitamin E, retinol, and dietary supplements that enhance the production of melatonin.

In the absence of contraindications, you can attend special cosmetic procedures aimed at eliminating white spots. The use of peelings, scrubs and homemade masks is recommended. In addition, self-tanning can be used to temporarily eliminate a cosmetic defect.

Folk remedies against white spots on the skin

Homemade remedies can help eliminate sunburn and prevent the appearance of white spots. Among the popular folk recipes are:

  1. Fruit and honey mask. Mix 3 tbsp. l. honey, 1 banana and 2 peaches, chop with a blender. Apply to skin after shower for 15-20 minutes for 3-5 days.
  2. Peeling from sour cream and oatmeal. Grind 3 tbsp in a coffee grinder. l. oatmeal, add 3 tbsp. l. sour cream, mix thoroughly. Use daily for a week after a warm bath.
  3. A mask of fresh parsley and yogurt. Chop the parsley, add to 100 ml of yogurt, mix. Use every other day for a week. It is recommended to use the product before bedtime.
  4. Coffee peeling. 3 tbsp. l. Add ground coffee to 70 ml of unrefined olive oil. Use peeling 3-4 times a week after a warm bath. The product is not recommended for use by people with sensitive, inflamed skin, or if there are allergic reactions to the components of the drug.


In order to prevent the appearance of white spots on the skin after sunbathing, you must follow some recommendations:

  1. tan gradually, slowly increasing the time spent in the sun or in a solarium;
  2. do not sunbathe in the open sun or immediately after swimming;
  3. constantly use special means of protection against ultraviolet radiation (creams, gels, lotions, etc.);
  4. Avoid sun rays during the day (from approximately 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.);
  5. take vitamins regularly;
  6. drink enough clean water (from 1.5 l);
  7. do not allow the child to be in the open sun during the daytime;
  8. Make sure that the child's skin is covered with light clothing in light colors made from natural fabrics.

The words sea, sun, tan are always associated with a wonderful vacation, and in themselves they already cause delight, not to mention the feelings that visit us when we break out into its open spaces. In addition to swimming, we love to sunbathe, and returning home with a beautiful chocolate tone will be the envy of everyone. And then we think for a long time about how to maintain a tan after the sea for a long time. And all these joyful thoughts and impressions are suddenly overshadowed by some strange small white spots on the skin after sunbathing.

What is this, we think? To be honest, it doesn’t look very good, and besides, it’s scary, and immediately terrible words loom on the horizon. Yes, but we didn’t sit in the sun for a long time, we were worried about getting sunstroke, and took measures to prevent this. We are smart, and we know very well, and not only from reviews, that an instant tan causes a number of problems. We tried so hard, then where did this leopard color come from?

Why do they appear?

There are many reasons for this. Small white spots on the skin after sunbathing may be due to a lack of melanin. Each of us, at least once, has been puzzled by the question of what to do if our skin itches or peels after sunbathing. You come home looking beautiful, and suddenly the top layer of your epidermis begins to fall off, and that’s where the melanocytes are located. When they produce little melanin, they tan in one place but not in another, resulting in spotting. Melanin is a very useful thing, and it is responsible for protecting against the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. But there may be other reasons.

Skin fungus, or pityriasis versicolor. It can remain on the skin for a long time without showing signs of life. But when a person starts to sunbathe, that’s when it shows up. At first it doesn’t bother me much, but then it itches and flakes more and more, and, frankly speaking, it doesn’t look very good.

Genetic factors. The phenomenon of white spots is called hypomelanosis, and in this case the disease cannot be treated. Or rather, it is a deviation. And the only way to avoid getting these spots is to avoid exposing your body to direct sunlight. And here no creams or ointments, even SPF 50, will help, on the contrary, if you have hereditary spotting, then sunscreens can do harm.

Solarium. Many people like to suddenly get an “instant tan” without any travel. And after tanning, white spots are one of the most common phenomena. But the whole point is that, most often, we perform this procedure incorrectly. While tanning in a solarium, you need to change your body position, but who does this?

Vitiligo. Perhaps you know people who, after sunbathing, develop severe redness on the skin of their hands, and almost immediately there are white spots in this place. This disease is vitiligo, and it is also related to the production of melanin in the cells of the epidermis.

The disease is hereditary, transmitted from parents to children, and so on. But if no one in the family has had vitiligo, the onset of the disease is possible without it, if there are malfunctions in the immune system, severe and frequent stressful situations, intoxication, or some pathologies.

Vitiligo has no cure. Only the person himself can cope with this a little if he engages in a healthy lifestyle, wears high-quality natural clothes that provide oxygen, and maintains a good level of immunity.

Poikiloderma. This disease affects people with fair skin. White spots often appear on the neck and chest. Alas, this skin disease in this case cannot be treated, but it does not cause trouble. But if dark spots begin to appear along with white spots, then you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Hormonal imbalance. At different periods of our women's lives, hormones can surprise us. This happens during pregnancy, during menstrual periods, and age-related hormonal changes.

Medicines. Medicines have side effects. Some may also cause white spots to appear after sunbathing. This will be a reaction to the drug. Therefore, always read the instructions carefully.

What to do and how to deal with them

It’s interesting that no one thinks about how to get rid of a tan. After all, it's beautiful. Unlike white spots, which look strange and unusual for humans. If you start to have white spots, and this comes as a big surprise to you, since this has never happened in your family, you need to consult a doctor. In this case, you yourself will not establish the reason. This can be done on the basis of tests, knowledge and personal experience of the doctor.

If you develop a fungal infection, you will need a course of antifungal therapy, where you will take medications, use external compounds and a special diet. By the way, about diet. It is almost always needed when it comes to skin problems. In this case, the diet will be consuming plenty of water, fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as limiting meat, sweets, salty foods and smoked foods.

If you are sure that you do not have any diseases, and the spots appeared after a solarium, you can first make a rice broth, moisten a simple cloth and apply to these places for 15 minutes. You can repeat it several times a day, this recipe will not harm. You can add turmeric and honey to cooked rice and apply compresses on the spots.

Parsley leaves also help well; they need to be chopped and placed in a layer on the skin for 15 minutes. The same can be done with cabbage and cucumbers, beat the cabbage a little so that it becomes moist, or you can place it in a blender and put the resulting pulp in the form of a compress. You can mix a mixture of cucumbers and cabbage.

And remember to maintain water balance, this is necessary in all cases, drink more water and teas - green or herbal.

If relief does not come after a couple of days, you should see a doctor to rule out a serious illness and not prolong it. In this case, you should not engage in medical self-medication; it not only will not cure, but can also make everything worse. In our article, we will also not give you an answer to the question of what to do with stains, we will only point you to some useful information.

But we will not prescribe medications. This can only be done by a doctor, and his consultation is very important, since in many cases exposure to the sun is prohibited altogether. The issue with fungi is also very complicated, here the sun is excluded, special tablets and ointments are prescribed. In a word, stains are different from stains, and this must be well understood.


  1. This is a fragment of Elena Malysheva’s program, where she introduces us to different people who are faced with this problem and talks about ways to solve it.

  1. This video offers very interesting folk recipes.

None of us likes going to doctors. And yet, if spots appear and they grow or change colors, do not delay, go to the doctor. Self-diagnosis in this case is not only unnecessary, but also contraindicated. If you have light stains, then use our tips. Try to fight it using simple home methods; cabbage and cucumbers are good because they won’t do any harm, and if the situation is simple, they will help very well. If it’s not so simple, then you’ll have to get treatment, and that’s not so scary either. The main thing is to know your body, and then read, think and write, please, for our other readers - have you encountered such a thing and how did you deal with it?

There are times when small or large white spots appear on the skin after active exposure to the sun, while the rest of the skin has an even, beautiful tan. This skin reaction may be due to various reasons, but all of them are a consequence of impaired melanin production – a pigment that is responsible for coloring the iris of the eyes, hair and skin.

Why do they appear?

There are several reasons for the appearance of white spots on the skin after sunbathing:

  1. Frequent use of a tunnel solarium. When using a solarium in a lying position, excessive pressure is applied to the places where the body comes into contact with its surface, which disrupts blood circulation in these areas of the skin. This can cause white spots to appear. An innovative method that is absolutely harmless to the skin - instant tanning - has become a good alternative to tanning in a solarium. You can find out more about this by following the link instant tan reviews.
  2. Pityriasis (solar) lichen. This is a fungal skin disease that prevents ultraviolet radiation from penetrating the epidermis. In this case, melanin is not produced, so the skin tans unevenly. This disease is a consequence of a lack of vitamin D in the body and a weakened immune system. Tanned skin only emphasizes the presence of white spots, so you may want to lighten it. To do this, follow the link on how to get rid of a tan.
  3. Vitiligo. This disease appears as a result of an immune failure when melantocyte cells, which are located in the upper layer of the epidermis, stop producing melanin. This failure occurs in patches, and therefore appears on the skin in the form of white spots of different sizes and shapes. Especially often such spots can be seen on the hands and ankles.

What to do and how to deal with them

If antifungal agents are used to treat the first disease, then to eliminate the consequences of the second disease a long course of treatment with immunomodulators is required.

In the case where white spots have formed from the use of a solarium, you can use simple home treatment methods using compresses:

  1. from boiled rice;
  2. pulp of white cabbage and cucumber;
  1. mixtures of honey, boiled rice and turmeric;
  2. parsley chopped in a blender.

Apply these compounds to white spots using a gauze bandage for 15-20 minutes.

Restrictions during treatment:

  1. If you have pityriasis versicolor, then you should stick to the diet. Eliminate heavy and spicy foods from your diet, giving preference to vegetables, meat, fish and cereals.
  2. Completely necessary avoid exposure to the sun.
  3. Avoid visiting the solarium.

Even if you have completely managed to recover from white spots, then appear in the sun without applying it to your skin. creams with a high SPF factor are prohibited. This is especially true for beach holidays. Find out about solving the consequences of excessive tanning by following the link: skin itches or peels after sunbathing, what to do.

Video block on what to do if white spots appear on the skin

  1. Video about why white spots appear on the skin

  1. Video about what to do if small white spots appear on your skin after sunbathing

  1. Video about why white spots appear on the skin of your hands after sunbathing and how to get rid of them

  1. Video with feedback on what vitiligo is and how to cope with this disease

  1. Treatment of vitiligo with traditional methods at home