Hull - vinegar

It is a combination of hot and cold substances. All its matter is rarefied, but cold matter predominates in it. Caustic vinegar warms more, and if it is not caustic, it is cold and damp. Cooking reduces the coldness of the vinegar.

Actions and properties.
Vinegar is very drying, prevents excess from pouring in, thins and tears off juices. It is drunk during bleeding and applied during hemorrhage, if it is external, and this stops it. Vinegar prevents tumors from forming where they want to form. It promotes digestion and resists the action of mucus. It is useful for people with yellow gall nature and harmful for people with black gall nature.

Vinegar and honey are applied to bruises and this helps, but frequent use makes the skin yellow.

Tumors and acne.
Vinegar, if drunk or used as an ointment, prevents the formation of tumors and the spread of gangrene and cures carbuncles. It prevents the spread of any tumor, helps against nailworms and is useful against herpes and erysipelas, and rubbing it prevents the formation of tumors.

Wounds and ulcers.
If you place a piece of wool soaked in vinegar on the wound, it will be beneficial and will prevent the formation of a tumor. Vinegar prevents the spread of creeping ulcers and ringworms and brings relief from fire burns faster than anything else.

Tools with joints.
Vinegar is harmful to the nerves. If you make a douse for gout using vinegar and sulfur, it helps.

Organs of the head.
If you mix vinegar with rose or olive oil, beat it well, moisten a piece of unwashed wool with it and apply it to your head, this will help with a hot headache. Dousing with vinegar also works. Rinsing your mouth with it, especially with alum, is useful for loose teeth and bleeding gums. Hot vinegar steam helps with hearing loss and the like. It forcefully opens blockages in the ethmoid bone and stops tinnitus.

Organs of the eye.
Vinegar and honey are used to lubricate bruises under the eyes, but its constant use weakens vision.

Breast organs.
Vinegar tightens the tongue, and gargling with it stops the flow of juice into the throat and cures the tongue from sinking. When heated, it is taken in sips for leeches, for chronic coughs and “standing breathing.”

Nutritional organs.
Vinegar is good for a hot and damp stomach. It stimulates the appetite and promotes digestion - all this due to its tanning effect on the stomach. Vinegar vapor resolves dropsy, but constant use of it sometimes leads to dropsy.

Eruption organs.
Vinegar cools the uterus, and heated vinegar with salt is used in enemas for creeping intestinal ulcers after a softening enema.

Vinegar is poured on the bites. It is useful against opium and hemlock poisoning, and vinegar made from wild grapes with salt is useful against the bite of a mad dog and other animals.

They drink it warmed up after taking deadly drugs, and it helps.