How to get rid of an oily face

According to one American dermatological journal, in 2013 more than 60% of people had oily skin, and this figure is constantly growing. We will tell you how to get rid of oily facial skin at home, and which recipes will be the most effective.

Pimples on the face are caused by dead skin cells, pathogens, dust and dirt. It is easiest for them to “breed” on the oily dermis, mainly due to improper functioning of the sebaceous glands and enlarged pores. Accordingly, this threshold needs to be lowered, and ideally, completely normalized.

The entire process of getting rid of oily skin can be divided into stages:

  1. toning;
  2. cleansing;
  3. protection.

Products for skin tone with oily face

Every morning you need to start by washing with special tonics; for this you can buy professional products, or prepare them yourself. In particular, a solution of water and salicylic alcohol helps very well for very oily skin. Take a tablespoon of liquid per glass of water. This lotion will degrease the skin and temporarily eliminate oily shine.

A decoction of green tea also cleanses the dermis quite well. Just brew the drink without mixing it with sugar, and wash your face as often as possible. If desired, you can also add tea tree oil to the tea leaves (literally 5-7 drops). This folk remedy also helps reduce the oiliness of the dermis.

Sensitive oily skin requires special care; alcohol methods should not be used here. Very gentle folk remedies are needed - milk, cucumber water and aloe infusion. The method for preparing cucumber lotion is similar: add either one sliced ​​cucumber or 3-5 sprigs of aloe to a glass of boiled water. Let it sit overnight and wipe your face with the resulting liquid in the morning.

Don't forget about the miraculous properties of honey. This product helps with very oily skin with a variety of problems. Take two tablespoons of the sweet ingredient for a glass of warm water. Wipe the dermis with the resulting product three times a day.

Cryotherapy has proven itself to be simply excellent for giving skin tone, especially in summer. Ice massage in the morning is a procedure that will help prolong youth, get rid of wrinkles, and cleanse the skin of acne and pimples. The main thing is to massage your face not with a simple ice cube, but with a frozen decoction of medicinal herbs.
Video: mask for oily skin

Masks for cleansing skin from pores

By cleansing we mean scrubs and masks. First of all, you need to use peelings. Fruit and dairy products are most suitable for oily skin. In particular, you can mix milk and sugar and wipe your face with the resulting sweet solution. It is very important to completely dissolve sugar in water; large abrasive particles can “irritate” already damaged skin even more.

Facial cleansing

Peels based on fruit and vegetable ingredients are great help. In particular, these are strawberries, raspberries and lemon. We suggest trying a good refreshing and whitening recipe: water with lemon juice. This way you can get rid of not only oily skin at home, but also red spots on your face. You need to mix a decoction of chamomile and lemon juice: three tablespoons of fresh juice per glass of liquid. Cool, the water should be cold, and wipe your face with this product for five minutes using a sponge or cotton swab.

Chamomile is simply a universal plant for oily skin; it is prescribed if you need to permanently get rid of flaking and acne on the forehead, body (back or buttocks), and nose. You can make this mixture:

  1. a glass of chamomile decoction;
  2. two tablespoons of oatmeal;
  3. egg white.

Mix everything and apply a thin film to the face, rinse after 20 minutes.

A simple chicken egg will help cleanse and tighten the pores of your face. Separate the yolk from the white, beat the white until foamy, and lightly smear it on the skin, rinse after 20 minutes.

Consider masks for oily skin. This remedy will help with acne and problem skin:

Mix everything until a fairly thick paste is formed; it must be applied to the face in a thick layer, washed off after 30 minutes.

As already mentioned, fruit acids are the first helpers against oily skin, quickly dirty hair and acne. The following recipe will help get rid of not only oily facial skin, but also the scalp. You need to mix two tablespoons of live yeast with any berry juice or nectar (we advise you to pay attention to grapefruit or orange), leave the pulp for about 40 minutes, and then apply it to the skin using a cotton pad. Remove after 30 minutes. To avoid unpleasant odor on your hair, we recommend rinsing it with lemon or rosemary water.

If you noticed, most of these recipes lighten the skin, but what if you need to get rid of oily skin in the summer without losing your tan? You can make masks from Cambrian blue clay. This is another very effective folk remedy, thanks to which the number of enlarged pores and pimples decreases before our eyes. We make a standard mixture: two spoons of clay, one spoon of water, apply a thick layer to the skin with enlarged pores and pimples, leave until dry, rinse with warm water without any chemical cleansers.

Protection and care for problem skin

This stage is especially important before going outside; it is necessary to protect the dermis from dust and dirt, which will clog the pores and bring back all the problems. To do this, you need to use special creams before going out, or carry matting wipes with you, but you need to wipe your skin with them every few hours.

In this regard, the products from the Vichy and Nivea series have performed well. Try using all the products in a particular line, in most cases they are aimed specifically at satisfying all the steps listed in the first chapter. There is no need to apply a thick layer of makeup to the problematic dermis, this will only aggravate the situation, and besides, it will be very noticeable and unnatural on acne-covered skin.

Dermatologist advicehow to get rid of oily skin:

  1. Wash your face every morning with a degreasing tonic;
  2. Make masks and peelings every three days;
  3. Eliminate coffee, alcohol and sweets from the diet (especially for teenagers, whose dermis is more susceptible to negative factors due to high hormonal levels);
  4. Walk in the fresh air as much as possible;
  5. Every evening, remove makeup and wipe your face with tonic lotion;
  6. Use only caring and decorative cosmetics suitable for your skin type.

A person first encounters the problem of oily skin when growing up. Many people forget about the problem immediately after the end of the transition period, and some men and women do not leave the oily sheen even in adulthood. This skin condition is not the only annoying thing. Oily shine stimulates the activation of the sebaceous glands, causing the appearance of acne and blackheads. The skin takes on a grayish tint. This is due to dirt getting into the pores. You can prevent such consequences if you know how to get rid of oily skin on your face.

Signs and causes of oily skin type

It is very easy to see shine on the skin, but to confirm oily skin type it is worth knowing its signs:

  1. After application, makeup quickly disappears, you have to constantly adjust it. For example, periodically use face powder;
  2. areas of skin with increased oil content are covered with blackheads or acne;
  3. enlarged pores are visible in the forehead, nose and chin;
  4. a greasy shine appears almost immediately after washing.

The presence of such symptoms indicates oily skin, which requires careful and comprehensive care.

Any skin defect indicates possible health problems. Oily sheen is a direct indicator of the presence of some kind of problem in the body.

It may be signs of the following disorders:

  1. Slagging of the body and excessive amounts of toxins.
  2. Deficiency of minerals and vitamins.
  3. Hormonal disbalance.
  4. Disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system.
  5. Genetic predisposition.
  6. Vegetovascular dystonia.
  7. Renal dysfunction.
  8. Unbalanced diet with a predominance of spicy, fatty or fried foods.
  9. Insufficient or incorrect skin care.
  10. Transitional age.
  11. Intestinal diseases, dysbiosis or stomach diseases.

General recommendations for caring for oily skin

It is possible to get rid of unpleasant shine with the help of a set of measures. These can be both the services of a cosmetologist and procedures according to traditional recipes. All methods of treating the disease are based on general rules, which include:

  1. Use of special cleansers containing a neutral acid-base balance. Such preparations include gels and soaps for washing, makeup removers.
  2. Sufficient skin hydration.
  3. Do not squeeze out acne at home. This increases the risk of further infection. It is better to use products that have an exfoliating effect.
  4. Avoid using foundation and powder to avoid further polluting your pores.
  5. Eat right, avoiding sweets, highly salted, smoked and fried foods.
  6. Every time you wash your face, use a gel and a brush to remove dirt from your pores. The water should first be a little hot so that the pores open better, and then cold.
  7. Use a cream that moisturizes oily skin types daily.
  8. Use a scrub three times a week to better cleanse the skin.
  9. To open the pores, it is necessary to arrange steam baths.

Skin care: how to choose the right products?

You can permanently eliminate oily shine by using various cosmetics that suit your skin type. A similar rule applies to oily skin.

Products containing drying substances irritate the skin and eliminate shine for a short period, without eliminating the cause of its appearance. Cleansing lotions, gels based on mint, menthol, eucalyptus or lemon are mistakenly considered effective. The use of drugs containing alcohol may be ineffective, although a tingling sensation may be felt when applied to the skin. This feeling only means harm and injury to the skin, but is in no way an indicator of successful removal of shine.

You should wash your face with liquid gels or lotions that are gentle on the skin. Hard and thick products (such as cleansing sticks or soap) clog pores without cleansing them. This effect is very detrimental to oily skin. Products without sodium lauryl sulfate and fragrances would be ideal for care. They do not dry out the skin and are easily washed off.

When choosing a toner, you should pay attention that the composition does not contain alcohol, but contains antioxidants. They help reduce the number of pores, relieve irritation, remove makeup residues and dead skin particles.

Peeling is a must for caring for oily skin types. The procedure removes dead cells that cause acne. The main thing is that the exfoliation is gentle and does not damage the skin.

Lotions made with salicylic acid or zinc can help get rid of the red marks left behind by former pimples.

It is important to understand that only a properly selected moisturizer will help remove excess fat from the surface of the skin, open pores and reduce the function of the sebaceous glands.

Ways to remove shine from skin

How to get rid of oily shine on your face? This question is most puzzled by many representatives of the fair sex, who strive to make their skin perfectly matte.

You can quickly achieve a positive result in the fight against oily shine by seeking the help of a cosmetologist. Modern professional facial care methods include many procedures.

The main manipulations include:

  1. darsonvalization;
  2. ultrasonic influence;
  3. vacuum cleaning or mechanical;
  4. cryotherapy;
  5. peeling.

You can cleanse your face of constant oily shine on your own using the following means:

  1. cosmetic milk or washing gels that are water-based and do not contain alcohol;
  2. various face masks;
  3. scrubs and tonics;
  4. moisturizing creams;
  5. tinctures and decoctions from plants.

The cream can be replaced with hazelnut or grape seed oil. It gives the skin a matte tint and normalizes the production of sebaceous glands. For better effect, you can add 2 drops of rosemary or lemongrass to every 5 ml of oil.

The main thing is not to use greasy products to treat the surface of the skin. Cosmetics should consist of light gels and tonics, so as not to clog the pores and not further aggravate the situation. All products should be intended exclusively for oily skin types. You should avoid purchasing drugs with a high content of glycerin and oils as much as possible.

Masks for treating oily skin types

Applying special masks for skin care will give it a healthy color and tighten enlarged pores. It is important to remember that any mask must be applied to skin that has been cleansed before the procedure. In the absence of inflammation on the skin, alcohol lotions must be replaced with products containing zinc oxide, salicylic acid or a prepared decoction of calendula (brew a tablespoon of the plant’s flowers in 0.5 liters of water and leave for an hour).

You can use various professional masks or prepare them yourself according to folk recipes.

Examples of masks that have a good effect:

  1. Yeast. To prepare it, 10 grams of fresh yeast and yogurt are enough. The ingredients must be mixed until the consistency resembles sour cream. The mask should be applied evenly, especially paying attention to areas of the face with the most enlarged pores (forehead, chin, nose). To provide a therapeutic effect, 15 minutes are enough, then the mixture can be washed off with warm water and wipe the skin with an ice cube.
  2. Honey. You need to beat the white of 1 raw egg, add 1 teaspoon of honey and half a spoon of olive oil. Add a little oatmeal to the resulting mixture and mix thoroughly. The mask must be heated in a water bath and applied warm to the skin of the face. The mixture can be washed off after 20 minutes. This time is enough to saturate the skin, tighten pores and regulate the production of sebaceous glands.
  3. Cucumber. It is necessary to chop the fresh vegetable and squeeze it. You need to add the same amount of boiled milk to a quarter glass of the resulting juice. The mixture must be applied with gauze soaked in it and left for 20 minutes. For the best effect, place a damp towel on your face. After the mask, you can apply moisturizer.
  4. Cottage cheese. To prepare, you will need a tablespoon of cottage cheese (low-fat) and 3 tablespoons of kefir or yogurt without additives. The mask should be applied for a quarter of an hour, then rinse your face with still mineral water.
  5. Lemon. You need to mix a teaspoon of cream and the same amount of lemon juice, just squeezed. The mask should be applied with a cotton pad. After a third of an hour, it can be washed off with water (cold or warm).
  6. Herbal. Pour two tablespoons of coltsfoot with hot water and heat a little. Cover your face with a bandage or gauze and apply a mask on top (for 20 minutes). Then just wipe your face with a napkin.
  7. Kefir. Heat two tablespoons of low-fat kefir (only in a water bath). Spread the warm mixture over your face and leave for a quarter of an hour. After the mask is washed off, it is advisable to moisturize the skin with cream.
  8. Clay. A tablespoon of green or white clay should be diluted with water to a porridge-like state, then spread on the face. After a quarter of an hour, the mask must be washed off.

Oily skin requires comprehensive care and the simultaneous use of all methods. The use of folk recipes does not always bring quick and desired results, so do not neglect medical help and advice from cosmetologists.

Owners of all skin types periodically look for a way to get rid of oily shine on their faces. This condition intensifies with the onset of warm days and can ruin the mood on a long-awaited vacation. In order to get rid of the fatty film without complicating the situation, you need to understand the reasons for its appearance and select the necessary measures.

Causes of oily shine on the face

The slight shine of a well-groomed face is a sign of beauty and good health. In cases where the face does not shine, but shines with an oily film, there is no talk of attractiveness; the person looks unkempt and sick.

The reason for the appearance of shine is increased activity of the sebaceous glands. Excessive sebum production gives the effect of a greasy film and creates noticeable discomfort. Mixing with dust and dead particles, the secretion of the sebaceous glands can clog pores, causing rashes, inflammation and noticeable discomfort on the face.