Kardamana - wild cumin

Hot, dry to the third degree.

This is one of the remedies that cause redness; it has a dissolving power and its main property is to strengthen internal organs.

Wounds and ulcers.
In the form of an ointment with cardamana vinegar, it helps against jarab and lichen.

Tools with joints.
It is useful for diseases of the nerves, pain in the thigh due to accumulation of mucus, paralysis and muscle rupture.

Organs of the head.
If taken in water, it helps against epilepsy.

Respiratory system.
Cardamana cleanses the chest and soothes coughs.

Eruption organs.
It is useful for pain in the intestines, for worms and “pumpkin seeds”, and with wine - for pain in the kidneys and difficulty urinating. It is given to drink from stones in the amount of two darakhmi with the bark of the root of a laurel tree; Fumigation with it kills the fetus.

It helps against scorpion stings and other reptiles.

It is replaced by harmala and aromatic rush.