Expression wrinkles: how to deal with them

Expression wrinkles can appear quite early. Already at the age of 25, gradual fading of the skin begins, and then many people face this problem. Those who experience the appearance of facial wrinkles the most are, of course, the fairer sex. And it is they who are wondering what can be done to prolong their youth and how to get rid of facial wrinkles on the skin around the eyes and mouth area.


Reasons for appearance

These signs of skin aging are the earliest. They begin to bother you at the age of 25-30 years. Most often, such wrinkles first appear around the eyes, in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle and on the forehead.

The main reason for this problem is the work of the facial muscles. They have to contract tens of thousands of times every day. Any emotions that are reflected on our face become a prerequisite for the appearance of depressions and creases on the skin of the face.

It is reasonable to wonder why all people show different emotions from infancy, but wrinkles begin to appear only in adulthood? And why are these indentations on the skin noticeable earlier in some people, and later in others? The fact is that over time, the elasticity of the skin decreases, and there are a number of reasons for this that must be taken into account:

  1. Heredity. If you are lucky enough to inherit good skin that retains youth and freshness for a long time, then expression wrinkles will appear on you later than on many of your peers.
  2. Genetic traits. In this case, we are talking about the structure of the skull and the location of the facial muscles. These signs also affect the depth of the creases remaining on the face.
  3. Sunbathing addictions. The negative impact of sunlight or radiation in a solarium leads to photoaging of the skin, and therefore to the early appearance of wrinkles.
  4. Use of age-related cosmetics. Young girls should not use anti-aging creams and other care products in the 30-35+ category. This causes the synthesis of collagen and elastin to slow down in the skin.
  5. Bad habits. Smoking and frequent alcohol consumption have an extremely negative impact on the condition of the skin.

One way or another, if the first signs of fading have already appeared on the face, they can and should be fought.

If you ask yourself how to remove facial wrinkles, you can find a lot of options. There are home and salon methods for rejuvenating the skin and increasing its elasticity. You can use both store-bought and pharmacy creams, serums and masks, as well as cosmetics prepared at home. The main thing is to fight the signs of aging systematically and persistently.


Home Recipes

For people who have just begun to notice their first facial wrinkles, folk recipes are suitable. At 25-30 years old, you should not use aggressive rejuvenation methods. But more gentle remedies, easy to prepare at home, will not harm if used correctly, and, judging by the reviews, are very effective.

For example, it is useful to lubricate the delicate skin around the eyes with cosmetic oils. Wheat germ, apricot, grape or peach seed oils are suitable for smoothing out wrinkles. Such measures to smooth out facial wrinkles are completely safe and can be used as a preventive measure even before reaching 30 years of age.

If depressions in the skin begin to appear in the area of ​​the nose, lips and forehead, then you can use homemade masks. For example, you can prepare a creamy mass from natural honey and banana puree. This mixture should be applied to the face, avoiding the area around the eyes, and left for 20-25 minutes. The ingredients of this product nourish the skin and help smooth out facial wrinkles.

Home cryotherapy procedures also receive good reviews. It is necessary to prepare ice cubes from medicinal herbs. Soothing herbs are suitable for such procedures: chamomile, sage, calendula, string. You can wipe your face with these ice cubes every day or every other day. Cryotherapy procedures performed at home promote the skin's production of its own hyaluronic acid, elastin and collagen.

Industrial production means

After 30 years, you can already think about store-bought or pharmacy anti-aging creams and other care products. They are also easy to use at home. At this age, the question of how to remove facial wrinkles becomes quite acute. This is due to the fact that nasolabial folds and crow's feet around the eyes become clearly visible.

Both Russian and foreign companies produce a large number of products to get rid of the first signs of aging. The most popular among imported serums and creams are those from L’Oreal Paris, which contain concentrated hyaluronic acid.

In addition, the Yves Rocher brand produces a variety of care products in the 25+ and 30+ categories that help eliminate shallow wrinkles in the skin around the eyes, on the forehead and around the lips.

Russian cosmetics companies also receive positive feedback from consumers. The leaders among manufacturers of smoothing products are Black Pearl creams and serums, which stimulate the skin to increase elasticity.

In addition, in the wake of the hype created around organic cosmetics, many women choose creams, masks and lotions from Natura Siberica. Natural extracts of wild berries and herbs included in these products help maintain youthful skin after 25 and even 30 years.


Salon treatments

Professional cosmetologists have in their arsenal a large number of procedures aimed at rejuvenating mature skin with the first signs of aging. Often they are not as gentle as those done at home, but the results are more noticeable.

The most famous method of combating wrinkles is Botox injections. The so-called beauty injections are given intramuscularly and smooth out irregularities on the skin, preventing the appearance of new ones. The effect of such procedures lasts from 3 to 12 months.

The carbon peeling procedure receives very good reviews. It is completely painless and can be used until the age of 30. This facial cleansing helps remove dead skin cells and stimulates tissue renewal.

A salon alternative to ice cubes prepared at home is the cryolifting procedure. It allows the choice of the composition necessary to solve the problem. Under the influence of low temperatures, anti-aging substances penetrate deep into the skin and smooth out facial wrinkles on the forehead, around the eyes and in the nasolabial area.

Expression wrinkles - This wrinkles on the face, resulting from contraction of the facial muscles. We all experience emotions every day - sadness, surprise, joy, outrage and much more. Regardless of the mood and type of activity, every day the facial muscles contract a thousand times, or even more, and there is no escape from it. As a result of such frequent contractions, facial wrinkles can form - folds on the forehead, between the eyebrows, in the corners of the eyes, near the mouth.

Many people believe that expression lines and age wrinkles are the same thing, but they are not. Age wrinkles begin to appear in women somewhere after the age of 30, and expression lines can appear in a very young girl.

Causes of expression wrinkles may be different: heredity, stress, emotional experiences, ecology, exposure to ultraviolet rays and decorative cosmetics used.

It is quite easier to prevent the appearance of facial wrinkles than to fight them. Therefore it is necessary to do prevention of expression wrinkles, so that they do not bother you for as long as possible. Prevention consists of the following: proper facial skin care, massage, all kinds of masks and facial products. Also, do not forget that abuse of ultraviolet rays and constant use of decorative cosmetics dry out the skin, which leads to premature aging. Therefore, it is necessary to moisturize it to the maximum.

If you still notice facial wrinkles on your face, then do not despair. Modern cosmetology offers many options for combating facial wrinkles. One of the most popular and effective methods is Botox injections. Botox Is a special weak and purified solution of botulinum neurotoxin. This drug is injected into the muscle under the skin with thin needles under local anesthesia. The entire procedure lasts about 20 minutes. Botulin prevents nerve impulses from reaching the muscle, making it impossible to contract. The result of Botox is noticeable after a week and the effect lasts for about six months, after which the procedure can be repeated.

If you don’t want to do injections, then try peptide-based cosmetics. Peptides are able to easily penetrate the skin and stimulate the production of necessary substances. As a result, regeneration and self-regulation processes in skin cells are restored very quickly.

There is another and inexpensive way to combat expression wrinkles - this folk recipes.

Face masks against expression wrinkles

Potato mask. To prepare such a mask, you will need one medium raw potato tuber, which must be washed, peeled and grated. Mix two teaspoons of mashed potatoes with two teaspoons of wheat flour and two teaspoons of boiled milk. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the skin around the eyes for 10-15 minutes. Afterwards, rinse with warm water and apply a special cream for the skin around the eyes.

Grapefruit mask. Grind ½ or 1/4 grapefruit pulp, mix with 1 teaspoon of carrot juice, 1 teaspoon of sour cream and 1 tablespoon of rice ground in a coffee grinder. Mix and apply to face for 30 minutes. Then rinse and wipe your face with freshly squeezed grapefruit juice.

Helps excellent against expression wrinkles sesame oil. Heat a small amount of sesame oil and apply to all facial wrinkles. Leave for an hour and then remove any remaining oil with a napkin.

Strawberry-honey mask. For such a mask you will need 5-6 fresh strawberries, 1 tbsp vegetable oil, 1 tsp honey, 1 tsp chamomile infusion. Mix all ingredients well and apply to face and neck for 15-20 minutes. remove such a mask with a swab or disk soaked in milk

It will help you with expression wrinkles on the forehead paraffin - oil mask. To get lasting results, you need to do this mask twice a week. For such a mask you need to mix 10 g of peach oil and cocoa butter, 7 g of paraffin and 3 g of spermaceti. Place all ingredients in a dry saucepan and place in a water bath. After all the components have melted, soak a bandage in the mixture, gently squeeze it out and place it on your forehead. You need to keep this bandage for 20 minutes, and then carefully remove it with a spatula. Remove the remaining mask with a napkin and lubricate your forehead with nourishing cream.

The material was prepared by the editors of

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15,000 times a day. This is the average number of facial muscle contractions. There are about 60 of them. Some of them are chewable. They help move the lower jaw.

Approximately 40 muscles are facial. They react to emotional experiences by changing their facial expressions. Interestingly, there are almost no muscles on the skull. All 40 are focused on the face. The facial nerve also passes through here.

It is he who connects the facial muscles with the central nervous system. This interaction leads to the appearance of wrinkles. How do they differ from ordinary ones, and how are they derived? We'll get answers.

What wrinkles are called expression wrinkles?

Expression wrinkles associated not so much with aging, but with the frequent contraction of certain groups of facial muscles. They are also called cutaneous. Other muscles of the human body are called skeletal.


The latter start from the bones and are attached to them. The facial muscles, starting at the skull, are attached to the skin. That is why the contraction of muscle fibers pulls the integument along with it, changing facial expression.

Some people show expression wrinkles on the forehead. Others are bothered by crow's feet in the corners of their eyes. Still others develop nasolabial folds, and still others develop a network of fine wrinkles in the mouth area.

Accordingly, some most often contract the muscles of the forehead, while others contract the eyes and lips. Pulling the skin behind them, the muscle fibers form creases on it. That's what it is facial wrinkles.

Unlike age-related ones, they are not associated with loss of tissue elasticity. The elasticity is provided by a framework of collagen and elastin. The fibers of these proteins are intertwined, filled with moisture, and springy.

As we age, collagen production declines. At the same time, the skin loses its elasticity and collapses in areas of greatest protein deficiency.


Expression wrinkles of the mouth, forehead, bridge of the nose or eyes can appear at least at 14 years of age. It all depends on the activity of a person’s facial expressions and the parameters of his skin. Creases form most quickly on thin covers.

They are typical for Europeans. The skin of Asians and blacks is denser and thicker. That's why, how to remove expression wrinkles In their youth, it is mainly Caucasians who think about it.

While physiologists explain the reasons for the appearance of facial wrinkles due to the work of muscles and nerves, physiognomists find the reasons for changes in character traits. Let's get acquainted with those features that change his face.

Causes of expression wrinkles

Expression wrinkles around the eyes, according to physiognomists, is a sign of attentiveness and excellent memory. The characteristics are pleasant, but lead the personality to early crow's feet. First, they appear when you smile, and then they are established on an ongoing basis.

Crow's feet around the eyes can go up or down. The last option is typical for pessimists and suspicious people. The lines from the corners of the eyes up indicate cheerfulness. This is what causes facial wrinkles. Internal aggression manifests itself in angular wrinkles near the eyes.


Erudite people are identified by vertical folds between the eyebrows. Against expression lines This type is indicated by the second personality characteristic - stubbornness.

Those with wrinkles in the area between the eyebrows may not give in, even realizing the error of their actions and beliefs. This understanding is a consequence of reflection. People with facial lines between their eyebrows are prone to analysis. This tendency changes the face.


Expression wrinkles of the forehead, as a rule, are horizontal. Longitudinal lines indicate self-sufficiency and intelligence. However, small and intermittent horizontal folds are a consequence of gossip.

Not everyone likes what is written on his face: “I like to wash people’s bones.” The goal becomes correction of facial wrinkles. We will talk about ways to carry it out in the final chapter. In the meantime, let’s continue analyzing personality based on facial wrinkles, understanding the reasons for their appearance.

Vertical stripes on the forehead are rare and characterize open and good-natured people. Apparently there are few such people. We can only hope that the citizens on the streets spent smoothing out facial wrinkles, hiding his kindness from prying eyes.

Although, it is better to hide the longitudinal lines between the eyebrows. Unlike vertical ones, they do not speak about intelligence, but about shyness and self-doubt.


There are also curved creases on the bridge of the nose. They are characteristic mainly of men. Curves reveal jealous people. Their natures are unbalanced. We should be especially wary deep expression wrinkles.

They can also be at the outer corners of the eyebrows. Going upward, such creases reveal unreliable individuals. True or not, physiognomists have created a stereotype. Few people want to live up to it and even lose their youthful skin.

Therefore, the popular query “anti-wrinkle cream" Whether it can be effective, we will consider, again, in a separate chapter.

A horizontal line at the outer edge of the eyebrow is a sign of honesty and devotion. At least don't remove it at all. Horizontal wrinkles above the end of the eyebrows are also evidence of surprised natures. When much in the world amazes, it speaks of his deep perception and willingness to learn new things.


There are wrinkles at the corners above the eyebrows. Such creases signal an individual’s anxiety and, as a rule, belong to people prone to stress, depression, and panic.

Anti-wrinkle cream They also buy it for creases around the lips. Those moving upward from their corners are a sign of optimists, easy-going and good-natured.


Descending lines are a sign of the predominance of negative emotions. Suffering and disappointment are also reflected in the nasolabial folds.

From the point of view of physiologists, they are not at all a sign of smiling people. This opinion is controversial. But the aging effect of pronounced nasolabial folds is obvious. Let's rejuvenate by choosing the best way.


Ways to combat expression wrinkles

How to remove expression wrinkles at home? The question interests those who are not ready to spend money on salons, who do not trust them, and those who are busy. The answer applies to everyone.

If the root cause of creases is facial expressions caused by emotions, you need to learn to control it. First of all, you should get rid of the so-called clamps.

Have you ever met people whose shoulders are always raised or their eyes are squinted? Often, this is caused by a kind of muscle spasm. They not only contract frequently, but do not relax at all.

This is the clamp. Its causes are either physiological or psychological. The first includes, for example, myopia. In this case, the eye muscles will relax after selecting lenses, glasses, and surgical interventions.

It is more difficult to combat the psychological causes of muscle tension. It is necessary to understand whether embarrassment or fear of being misunderstood is driven by nervous impulses.

With a strong-willed effort, you need to relax the tense area and do this every time you notice the tension again. The work is difficult. However, it is really necessary to get out of the habit of frowning your forehead, raising your eyebrows strongly, and lowering the corners of your mouth down.

Another thing is healthy emotions expressed periodically, for example, joy. It pours out into smiles. There's no reason to give them up. How then to deal with facial wrinkles?

You can buy cosmetics, for example, masks for expression wrinkles. They include active moisturizing complexes. It has already been said that facial wrinkles form faster on thin skin.

But, wrinkles form even faster when it dries out. Lack of elasticity literally breaks the cover when muscles contract.


By saturating the skin with moisture, it is possible to slow down the formation facial wrinkles. Reviews Cosmetic products do not indicate the disappearance of creases, only partial smoothing and inhibition of further formation.

Hyaluronic acid, unsaturated fatty acids, aloe juice, essential oils, tsuiramide and elastin hydrolysates are added to caring cosmetics.

All components are safe and, indeed, necessary for the skin. The problem is different. Creams and masks penetrate only into the epidermis. This is the top layer of skin. Meanwhile, irreversible processes occur at the level of the dermis - its middle layer.

You can only get there with a needle or microwaves or rays. The latter help with age-related aging because they stimulate the production of collagen and elastin.

The needle is a method for combating facial expressions. It can be blocked not only by willpower, but also by botulinum toxin. This is the same poison that causes the disease botulism.


Lethal in general doses and in large doses, it is useful when applied locally. A targeted injection into the muscle blocks it. The fibers cannot contract for 4-5 months.

Accordingly, the development of wrinkles is blocked during this time. They are smoothed out due to muscle relaxation. Only a few manage to achieve complete results through willpower.

Expression wrinkles Botox unable to fill. This is the mission of hyaluronic acid. Unlike the blocking agent, it is a natural component of the skin and accumulates moisture in it.

Adding acid from outside never hurts. The moisture in the molecules of the substance will literally squeeze out the wrinkle, but does not block muscle function. You have to focus on the predominance of factors in the nature of the appearance of creases.


There is no point in blocking nasolabial folds, for example. How then to speak, to smile? Needs filling with hyaluronic acid. In the upper part of the face, they often work with botulinum toxin. It is possible and even necessary to combine methods.

When using injections, you need to take into account their temporary nature. Acid and botulinum toxin are absorbed. The skin, as before, does not have time to produce the required amount of fillers and is not able to fight the activity of the facial muscles revived by Botox.

Repeated procedures are required. If Botox is renewed approximately once every six months, then hyaluronic acid is injected at least once every 8 months. Sometimes the acid lasts for a year.