The hand-to-hand component of your training

Hello everyone, our dear readers! Today I will tell you one instructive story that happened to me in the recent past...  And we will also ask ourselves the question: “Do we need the hand-to-hand component of your training?”

We were once sitting as a group in one entertainment establishment, and suddenly we had a small conflict with another company. In general, the “fierce swing” began... In short, it was fun... But, if I put my hand on my heart, I was very dissatisfied with myself...

The fact is that I, an experienced bodybuilder, a prize-winner of international championships, a jock, covered with lumps on all sides, came across some kind of “dead wood” to put it mildly - a sinewy but strong thin guy... And no matter how hard I tried to beat him into the floor - nothing I couldn't do it. My opponent competently wriggled out of all the positions that I tried to create for him, and also managed to poke me in the nose every time.

In general, at some point we were separated, but despite the fact that I was not put on the shoulder, I want to admit the fact that on points I clearly lost to this jerk.

But, as you know, you need to draw the right conclusions from any even negative experience in order to avoid making such mistakes in the future... I began to think: “How did this happen?”, and the answer did not take long to arrive...

The fact is that bulging cans and huge hypertrophied muscles are absolutely nothing in a fighting match. What is more important is speed, endurance and proper technique. In general, victory is forged not by force, but by skill.

I realized that it was time for me to at least improve my fighting skills a little, so that next time I wouldn’t get into such a mess...

Before that, in addition to working in the gym, I periodically hit a punching bag on my balcony. But a real fight, with a real fighter, showed that a living opponent is not a punching bag, and he needs a special approach. In a word, you can’t solve the problem with just working on a boxing bag - you need to at least sometimes go out to fight with a person, preferably agile and technical.

So I started thinking about adding a hand-to-hand component with real opponents to my training schedule. Fortunately, there are now clubs for fans of hand-to-hand combat - a dime a dozen. They grow like mushrooms after rain. I also have my eye on one such club. It is located relatively close to my house - getting there is quick and comfortable. You can even ride a bike. The cost of classes is also quite affordable. But it has everything a hand-to-hand fighter needs. And not only for beginners, but also for experienced seasoned ones.

After several training sessions, I really liked the club. Especially its internal atmosphere! The people who work there—we quickly became friends. And most importantly, I got what I wanted - periodic sparring with real fighters! This is great! Such adrenaline!

I hope that when I get into the next batch, I will be a more prepared and experienced fighter and will no longer lose face, which is what I sincerely wish for you! See you in the rocking chair! ...or in the ring! Hi all!

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