Shinjar - dyeing cowwort

This is donkey lettuce. Its leaves are the same as those of lettuce, pointed. It is prickly and blackish, but in summer its stem turns red like blood, so that it stains your hand.

Its weakest part is the leaves.

Cold in the first degree, dry in the second.

Actions and properties.
Its type, called anukliya, is astringent and bitter; the type called calus binds more strongly, and the type called anulus binds stronger than the other two and is more caustic. The species, which has no name, is close to this latter. All types of cowwort have astringent and drying properties, and if you mix any of them with oil and rub it on it, it will cause perspiration.

This is a useful ointment for bacilli and jaundice.

Tumors and acne.
A medicinal dressing with lard is made from it on the “pig” and lubricated with it during peeling. The carbuncle is lubricated with oxen with barley flour; A species called calus is especially useful for this.

Wounds and ulcers.
Volovik, if used as part of a wax ointment, heals ulcers.

Organs of the head.
This is the most useful remedy for ear pain.

Nutritional organs.
Volovik, and in particular anuklia, helps against jaundice and is especially useful for pain in the spleen. Its peel tans the stomach.

Eruption organs.
If you give oxwort, especially the nameless one, to drink in the amount of one and a half miscals with wild cumin, hyssop and watercress, it removes worms and “pumpkin seeds”, and oxwort, called anukliya, is useful for pain in the kidneys.

The oxwort, called anulus, in the form of a medicinal bandage or drink is very helpful against a viper bite, and the nameless oxwort is close to this in its effect.