Husya - testicle

It is a type of loose animal organ meat.

The best testicles are the testicles of animals suitable for emasculation, and the testicles of young individuals, but the testicles of old goats and similar animals, such as rams and bulls, are not digestible, and they are not the same as the testicles of old roosters, especially fat ones. the latter are very good.

Actions and properties.
The testicles are not as good as the udders, with the exception of the testicles of fat cocks, which feed well and abundantly. All types of eggs, especially those that are more difficult to digest, if they are still digested, are richly nourishing.

Nutritional organs.
Most testicles are difficult to digest, but they are highly nutritious, especially the testicles of large, rough-fleshed animals.