
Anabolic (Anabolic) - affecting metabolic processes, the formation of organic substances, in particular protein. Anabolic agents are usually synthetic analogues of male sex hormones (see Androgen); these are ethyloestrenol, nandrolone, oxymetholone and stanozolol. All of them are used to increase body weight in patients with low weight (especially in the elderly, as well as in people suffering from serious illnesses), to stimulate hematopoiesis in the bone marrow. Some anabolic steroids can cause virilization in women and also lead to various liver dysfunctions.

ANAGEN is the growth phase of the hair follicle, lasting from two to three years. This is followed by an intermediate phase called catagen and a final phase, telogen, each lasting about two weeks. On average, 85% of the time hair grows in the anagen phase; therefore, it is at this time that their active growth is observed. There are typically about 100,000 hairs on the human head, and about 100 of them fall out every day.

Anabolic substances are drugs that affect metabolic processes, the formation and utilization of organic substances in the body. They are used to treat various diseases such as underweight, anemia and others.

Anabolic agents can be of synthetic or natural origin. Synthetic anabolic agents include androgenic hormones such as estrogen, testosterone, methandrostenolone and nandrolones. These hormones have anabolic properties and promote the formation and utilization of protein, which leads to increased muscle mass and strength.

Natural anabolics include various plant extracts such as ginseng, Eleutherococcus, Leuzea, etc. They also have anabolic effects and can be used to improve the overall health of the body, increase endurance and improve physical fitness.

However, anabolic drugs have their side effects, such as virilization in women, liver dysfunction and others. Therefore, before starting to take anabolic drugs, you must consult your doctor and follow his recommendations.

Anabolic (protein growth) agents This group of drugs belongs to the so-called anabolics - drugs that accelerate protein synthesis in muscles. In turn, the synthesis or anabolism of proteins can be defined as a set of amino acid molecules - the elements from which all proteins are composed. Important! Not only protein has an anabolic effect, but also creatine, amino acids and even lard, which acts as a central link in protein metabolism. Anabolism helps trigger processes that help build muscle. In this case, a complete, balanced and high-calorie diet is necessary, as a result of which changes in body proportions, weight loss and the effect of lagging behind the development of the bones of the legs and arms from the development of the rest of the body are possible. Various types of drugs have an anabolic effect, such as insulin, growth hormone (somatotropin), thyroid hormones, steroid hormones