Anti-fatigue pills invented

Scientists from Switzerland have come up with a medicine that will relieve fatigue. The main component of the drug, which saves you from lethargy and depression, is iron.

As you know, iron supplements help with anemia (decreased hemoglobin in the blood, which leads to weakness, fatigue, even faintness). In a number of studies, scientists have proven that these tablets are also indicated for people suffering from ordinary, periodically occurring fatigue, but with moderately low hemoglobin.

The study involved about 200 women of different ages who were on their menstrual periods at the time of the experiment (during menstruation, hemoglobin decreases). They all complained of unreasonable fatigue, and the scientists prescribed half of them to take a drug containing iron, and the other half to take pacifiers. After 3 weeks, the results were as follows: fatigue scores in women taking iron dropped by half. This suggests, as scientists believe, that the cause of unexplained weakness and fatigue is iron deficiency in the body, which needs to be replenished.
