Pharmacy cosmetics for oily skin

Women who care about their appearance and take this issue seriously prefer to purchase face cream at the pharmacy. This is due to the effectiveness of using such products, comparable to procedures in a beauty salon. What drugs can be bought in the pharmacy chain, how the products from well-known global manufacturers differ, how to make the right choice - this is discussed in the review of branded medicinal products.

What are pharmaceutical cosmetics

The modern development of science, turning to traditional medicine, has helped to create a new direction at the intersection of pharmacology and cosmetology - cosmeceuticals, which is engaged in the development of medicinal drugs. Pharmacy cosmetics are products whose action is aimed at solving dermatological and aesthetic problems. These drugs:

  1. contain active natural ingredients;
  2. use the latest scientific developments;
  3. safe - they do not contain dyes, fragrances, parabens;
  4. promote rapid restoration of the skin, treatment, and preventive care.

Pharmacy cosmetics have their own characteristics. They are associated with the high quality of products, the serious attitude of manufacturers to products produced under brands, and therefore are sold through pharmacies. Medical cosmetics:

  1. solves skin problems from the inside;
  2. has certificates - undergoes many laboratory tests;
  3. helps reduce doses of medications;
  4. guarantees long-lasting effect;
  5. differs in the quality of cleaning;
  6. serves as an addition to treatment or acts independently.

Pharmaceutical companies developing unique formulations for pharmaceutical cosmetics produce products that:

  1. solves specific problems of the epidermis;
  2. simultaneously treats, eliminates defects and cares for the skin;
  3. has a price that includes the costs of developing new formulas and clinical studies;
  4. contain vitamins, antioxidants, enzymes that act at the cellular level.

Well-known brands are trying to expand their product line. They produce pharmaceutical cosmetics that satisfy any requirement. Leading companies produce the following types and forms of products:

  1. creams that solve various problems;
  2. lines of hair products;
  3. cosmetic nail care products;
  4. micellar water;
  5. tonics;
  6. emulsions;
  7. vibes;
  8. serums;
  9. foam;
  10. gels;
  11. mousses;
  12. milk;
  13. oils;
  14. lotions.

How is it different from normal

Those with sensitive skin find it difficult to choose cosmetics even in specialized stores. Hypoallergenic pharmaceutical cosmetics have a serious therapeutic effect on skin diseases. Unlike conventional drugs, these products:

  1. penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis;
  2. actively moisturizes the skin;
  3. contains ingredients that are used in the production of medicines;
  4. does not cause allergic reactions.

The products of well-known brands are distinguished by the fact that all components of pharmaceutical products undergo high-quality pre-purification. The effectiveness of drugs is determined by:

  1. no preservatives, parabens, fragrances;
  2. guarantee of laboratory and clinical tests, confirmed by certificates;
  3. use of natural components and modern developments;
  4. the possibility of treatment, preventive care from the effects of the sun, ultraviolet rays;
  5. the ability to solve problems of early aging and fading;
  6. effectiveness in the treatment of acne, acne, rosacea.

Pharmaceutical companies produce drugs that meet the diverse needs of consumers. All pharmacy cosmetics are divided into three groups. The most accessible, which is cheap, but distinguished by quality and safety, are mass market products. These drugs, in addition to pharmacies, can be purchased in specialized cosmetics stores and supermarkets. Popular products of domestic and foreign brands:

Those with oily skin will confirm that it is difficult for them to use cosmetics. The foundation may “float” an hour after application, and care products are not always suitable. We explain what to do using the example of the best—according to—cosmetics for oily skin.

  1. Oily skin problems
  2. Features of cosmetics for oily skin
  3. Features of the composition
  4. Toning products for oily skin
  5. Cleansing for oily skin
  6. Additional treatments for oily skin

Oily skin problems

The main mistake of all girls with oily skin is that they try their best to dry it out. Of course, with the help of aggressive beauty products. And this leads to even greater secretion of sebum, which is what the fight is against.

Oily shine

A greasy sheen forces those with oily skin types to constantly keep powder and mattifying wipes with them. Let us warn you right away: it is better to remove the powder compact from your bag.

There is little benefit in layering powder on a dirty face with smudged foundation. Whereas mattifying wipes absorb oil without disturbing makeup.

Wide pores

Another reason for dissatisfaction with oily skin is enlarged pores. If you are one of those who strive to narrow them by all known methods, just remember: pore size is determined by genetics.

But if you regularly cleanse your skin with products that reduce sebum production, you can still make your pores a little narrower, purely visually.

Blackheads and inflammation

Nine out of ten owners of oily skin know firsthand what pimples and blackheads are. The fact is that excess secretion from the sebaceous glands does not have time to be removed to the surface of the skin and accumulates in the pores, where it serves as a home for bacteria. They are the ones that cause inflammation, and therefore acne.

Signs of oily skin - high shine, blackheads, large pores © iStock

All these shortcomings do not increase self-confidence, so they begin to diligently disguise them. They use thick foundation creams, which they like to wash off with simple alkaline products like a cleansing gel.

Features of cosmetics for oily skin

If your skin is problematic, avoid foundations with a putty effect in favor of lighter textures, such as BB or CC creams. And if you want to cover something up, use a thick concealer locally. This method will help maintain the natural texture of the skin.

In your case, it is better to remove makeup in two stages:

makeup remover;


Oily skin needs thorough but gentle cleansing © iStock

The alkali in cleansing gels and foams washes away impurities well, but micellar water or hydrophilic oil will be safer for the skin when removing dirt and makeup products.

If you have enlarged pores and don't want to highlight them, be careful with shiny textures - such products highlight the unevenness of the skin.

Features of the composition

Remember the ingredients that are often included in cosmetics for oily skin.

Stimulates cell renewal, helping the stratum corneum of the epidermis to exfoliate in a timely manner. In addition, it has an anti-inflammatory effect and prevents rashes.

It has sebum-regulating and antibacterial properties, making the skin less oily, and therefore less prone to inflammation.

It is often added to mattifying products, but you should be careful with this ingredient. Yes, it tightens the pores for a while and reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands, but at the same time it dries the skin even more, which ultimately leads to the opposite effect.

Toning products for oily skin

We present the three best, according to, products for toning oily skin.

Complex moisturizing care 5-in-1 BB-cream “Secret of Perfection”, Garnier, has pronounced moisturizing properties and is easily distributed over the skin. The natural absorbent perlite in the composition removes excess sebum, and physical sun filters protect against the harmful effects of UVA and UVB rays.

Actively Correcting & Beautifying BB Cream, SPF 50, Kiehl’s, combines the properties of foundation and moisturizing creams: the pigments in its composition instantly hide redness and other imperfections, and glycerin and vitamin C moisturize, tone, and enhance cell protection from oxidative processes. Physical sunscreen filters titanium dioxide and homosalate provide a high degree of ultraviolet protection.

BB cream for sensitive skin Hydreane, La Roche-Posay, spreads easily over the skin and does not clog pores. The complex of four oils in the composition is responsible for the nourishing effect of the product and protection of skin cells from the negative effects of free radicals. The cream is hypoallergenic, suitable for sensitive skin.

Cleansing for oily skin

Micellar water with oils, Garnier is the latest version of the popular micellar product. It can dissolve even the most stubborn makeup products. It will remove both mascara and concealer in one go, without leaving the feeling of a greasy film on your face. This effectiveness is the result of the joint work of oils and micelles.

Cleansing foaming gel for oily acne-prone skin, Effaclar Gel, La Roche-Posay, does not contain alcohol and soap, so even sensitive and dehydrated skin can make friends with it. Zinc pidolate, known for its bactericidal effect, reduces sebum production.

Additional treatments for oily skin

If we talk about cosmetology, the following procedures are recommended for oily skin.

For oily skin, deep cleansing and peeling are recommended © iStock

Manual cleaning

Cleaning is usually prescribed for comedones and acne, and the most effective type is manual. She is the most painful. This procedure has a pronounced aesthetic and preventive effect, and is performed using special devices - a loop (for acne) and an uno spoon (for comedones).

The rehabilitation process can take place in different ways, it depends on the professionalism of the cosmetologist and the condition of the skin before the session.

Acid peeling

Acid peels are superficial, medium and deep. A specialist will tell you which one is recommended for you. Peels based on AHA acids (lactic, mandelic, glycolic) are now popular, but BHA acids (for example, salicylic acid) have their own advantages:

make the skin smooth;

have a therapeutic effect - reduce inflammation and prevent the appearance of new rashes.

Peeling + manual cleaning

This combination is very effective. For comedonal acne, the specialist first applies peeling with salicylic acid, under the influence of which the comedones rise to the surface of the skin, after which they are easily and painlessly removed manually.

Looking at the wide range of creams on pharmacy shelves, we often wonder how these creams, ointments and emulsions differ from those sold in stores.

The first difference is immediately visible - the high cost of pharmaceutical cosmetics. Does it cost more - does it mean it's better? Or is there something else going on here?

Let's look into this issue, because caring for facial skin, especially problematic skin, requires a serious approach in order to eliminate existing shortcomings and not cause harm.

Why can it only be found in the pharmacy chain?

Pharmacy care products belong to cosmeceuticals - a young and fast-growing branch of the cosmetics industry. It is intended for those who are looking for guaranteed solutions for problematic skin (acne, rashes, spots, an abundance of freckles, excessive porosity and oiliness, peeling, etc.).

If skin defects are not associated with a specific disease of the body, there is no point in using medicinal ointments, and store-bought cosmetic creams are not effective enough to solve these problems.

The main differences between pharmacy cosmetics and those sold in stores

The main differences between pharmacy products are:

  1. Proven and guaranteed effectiveness. Confirmation of quality by clinical and laboratory tests and certificates obtained on their basis.
  2. Innovative composition enriched with acids, enzymes, vitamins and antioxidants.

Pharmaceutical drugs are medications that cure the causes of acne, inflammation, and other painful conditions. They are free of parabens, fragrances and dyes.

Value for money . Expenditures on pharmaceutical facial cosmetics are aimed at developing innovative formulas that can not mask the cause of the problem, but treat it. Therefore, the price includes the costs of expensive laboratory and clinical tests. Solving specific target problems. A clearly expressed target orientation of funds is achieved by developing formulas that solve specific identified problems. Some drugs have a preventive effect and their use maintains skin health. Therapeutic effect. Pharmacy facial cosmetics differ from mass market products in their therapeutic effect. Pharmacy cosmetics are much more effective than even store-bought cosmetics in the premium segment.

Forms of professional products

Pharmacy products for problem skin are produced by leading companies and laboratories in various forms:

  1. balm;
  2. spring or micellar water;
  3. gel;
  4. liquid;

Correct Application

Here are some recommendations for the use of cosmeceuticals. Procedure for selection and purchase:

  1. Read the rating of the company producing pharmaceutical drugs and customer reviews.
  2. Choose one of the new lines of products to solve this cosmetic problem.
  3. Consult a physician, dermatologist, or other appropriate specialist.
  4. Study the packaging, booklets, and instructions for use
  5. Take the necessary break from using the product, which is essentially a pharmaceutical drug, and give the skin a break from the active effects.
  6. Discuss the result with a specialist.

Here's a video about what you need to know when choosing skincare products:

Rating of the best products

Pharmacy facial cosmetics can eliminate and cure serious skin problems. The rating of leading manufacturing companies will help you navigate the variety of effective cosmeceutical products.

The current list of manufacturers-brands is given below based on data on the number of sales, effectiveness and consumer reviews of cosmeceuticals:

  1. Vichy;
  2. Avene;
  3. Galenic;
  4. Bioderma;
  5. La Roche-Posay;
  6. Pharmatheiss cosmetics;

The majority of cosmeceuticals enterprises and laboratories operate in France. Well-known brands from Germany and Israel. The pharmaceutical cosmetics industry is developing rapidly and is in demand all over the world.

And if you are worried about age spots, try Achromin cream. But be sure to consult your doctor before use.

Nano-Botox serum successfully copes with sagging, expression wrinkles, dark circles under the eyes and swollen oval of the face. You can learn more about this wonderful anti-aging product here.


The history of the VICHY company dates back to 1931, when the French dermatologist Dr. Allaire discovered the unique natural properties of the VICHY thermal spring water. Even earlier, in 1861, the French Academy of Medical Sciences recognized Vichy as a source of national importance.

The maximum depth from which the source originates is 4,000 m. The water heats up to 140 0C before reaching the surface. This is higher than the temperature at which steam forms, so the water is further purified during the sublimation process.

Having begun studying the composition and influence of water, Aller created a scientific laboratory. The water contains 15 minerals, which is more than any other source of water.

Vichy creams and serums undergo more than 3,000 clinical trials per year under the supervision of dermatologists. All facial care products are segmented according to age and skin type. Vichy preparations are 100% tolerable to skin of any sensitivity.

The VICHY range of medicinal products is represented by the following lines:

  1. LIFTACTIV series for basic care (from 40 years):
  2. anti-aging cream Liftactive Suprem, a long-term remedy for the correction of wrinkles and elasticity of the epidermis. The cream has 2 texture options and gives an instant effect for dry and combination skin. The cost of the cream is in the range of 2300-2500 rubles;
  3. serum-serum for the area around the eyes, the formula of which includes special reflective particles and ceramides. The result of application is visible after 10 minutes;
  4. a long-lasting night product that smoothes the skin and moisturizes it;
  5. anti-aging serum to restore youth. Rhamnose and hyaluronic acid quickly deliver active ingredients to the epidermis layer that fight the aging process.
The PURETE THERMAL series (cleansing line) is represented by micellar oil, foam, refreshing gel, as well as Integral makeup remover. The power of these products with vitamin B5 gently removes absolutely all impurities and improves the surface of the face: for toning, the line has prepared a toner of an improved formula and thermal water itself. Mineral peeling mask is designed to remove dead cells and renew skin texture. The components of the mask have particles of volcanic origin and fruit acids.

The CAPITAL SOLEIL series implements the mission of the Vichy company - effective protection against ultraviolet radiation. The fight against sun exposure is not limited to effective creams with a protective factor of 50+: the company conducts active educational activities. A special technique for applying protective agents has been developed to guarantee results.

The difference between the products in this series is the protection of the skin at the level of stem cells located in the deepest layers of the epidermis. It is these cells, according to research by scientists from the Vichy laboratory, that can regenerate the epidermis after a sunburn. The effect of the drugs has been scientifically proven by numerous clinical studies.

The cost of sun protection products ranges from 700 to 1000 rubles


Avene laboratories are known for the widest range of products for beauty and health. The company's products consist of more than 55% thermal water.

Problems associated with skin sensitivity are solved by thermal water with its unique characteristics. It has a neutral pH, contains silicon compounds and has an anti-inflammatory, antipruritic soothing effect.


GALENIC uses spring water and special know-how to effectively treat rashes, pimples and blackheads. “Smart cells” in the products themselves find problem areas and provide an effect where it is needed.

The company is distinguished by a special scientific approach to the research and development of drugs. The Kotre series includes a cleansing healing gel. The gel is designed for gentle cleansing of mixed and oily skin.

The price of medicinal cosmetics for the face of the Cotre series is 650-900 rubles.


French dermatological laboratory that produces products for the prevention and treatment of skin diseases. They are aimed at caring for problematic and diseased skin. Bioderma medicinal cosmetics are available in several lines to solve dermatological problems:

  1. Atoderm - for external care for atopic dermatitis. Atoderm PO zink - antibacterial cream that treats dermatitis;
  2. Sensibio - for hypersensitive skin, as well as for rosacea and seborrheic dermatitis. Redness occurs as a reaction to cold, heat, and sun rays. Redness can develop into rosacea. In the affected areas there is a feeling of itching, burning, and inflammation may develop;
  3. Cicabio – for healing;
  4. Sebium - for acne and skin seborrhea.

La Roche-Posay

The reputable company La Roche-Posay, which develops products for the regular care of acne-prone, oily and comedonal skin, actively uses thermal water.

The company produces the following series:

  1. Cicaplast;
  2. Effaclar;
  3. Hydraphase;
  4. Lipikar;
  5. Nutritic Intense;
  6. redermic;
  7. Rosaliac;
  8. Toleriane.

The Effaclar line is a special series for pimples, blackheads and acne to restore skin-lipid balance. Helps eliminate the cause of excess sebum and reduce greasiness. The cost of the line is 600-750 rubles.

Balm LIPIKAR AR+ - Lipid-restoring facial treatment against irritation and itching. Instantly soothes very sensitive dry skin.

Pharmateiss cosmetics

The laboratory of the German pharmaceutical company Pharmatheiss cosmetics is working to improve the created formulas and develop new technologies on a scientific basis. The Pharmatheiss brand produces D'Oliva, Skin in balance, and Pure Skin.

Skin in balance – innovative products that include:

  1. calendula;
  2. thermal water;
  3. lavender extract;
  4. purple-red algae.

Forms of products from the Skin in balance line:

  1. cleansing milk;
  2. day care cream;
  3. special gel for intensive care.

The cost of drugs in this line is 600-800 rubles.

Pharmatheiss scientists chose extra-virgin olive oil as the basis for the D`Olive line. This oil is used for the innovative cosmetic series D`Olive and is produced in the province of Tuscany.

Cosmeceutical pharmaceutical preparations from leading manufacturers can solve appearance problems:

  1. early aging and fading;
  2. sensitivity and hypersensitivity;
  3. dark spots;
  4. acne, pimples of various origins;
  5. rosacea;
  6. dryness and tightness, wrinkles;
  7. exposure to the sun and hard ultraviolet rays.

The cost of cosmetic pharmaceutical products is ultimately justified by their safety and effectiveness. Pharmacy cosmetics, or cosmeceuticals, are special medicinal products for problematic facial skin that can only be purchased in specialized pharmacies.

To correctly select and use pharmaceutical products, it is necessary to consult a specialist and strictly follow the instructions or recommendations.

Watch the second part of the video about medicinal care cosmetics from famous manufacturers: